Monday, June 22, 2009

I'm back!

After taking a few weeks off to finish up some projects, hang with the kiddies, and play a little at home, I'm back in the swing and feeling a little refreshed.

On my break I finished a couple of projects that I had been asked to do for an upcoming crafty book. It's due out this winter and I'll share the details later. Here's a sneak peek at one of the projects I've contributed.

I made jam. Lots of jam. 25 jars of jam. Mmmm. Strawberry, rhubarb, strawberry-rhubarb, balsamic strawberry, and apricot cardamom (which I'm using on tonight's porkchops).

The kids and I walked the beach a little. Which of course means going in the water, no matter how cold it might be.

My 3 year old found an enormous Lake Superior agate in the yard and recognizing it as one of momma's favorite pretty rocks, washed it in a mudpuddle and presented it to me. It weighs almost 12 ounces, he should be very proud.

I treated myself by making 4 terrariums, all for me! I don't know about you other crafty types, but I never make things for myself. My creative energy is spent making things for other people, so this was quite a treat for me, indeed.

Have a great day, everybody.


  1. Welcome back. What a perfect couple of weeks. Have a great day...Kathi

  2. love your beautiful terrariums and wow a new book too! can't wait to hear more on that!! glad you had some nice off time for yourself and kids!! I am happy to have off work for the summer!! enjoy dear!! hugs Linda

  3. A book, you are getting in a book? Verra nice lass ^_~ I had an offer myself a few weeks back for Pinpinn but passed on it because it didn't seem to fit my "vision" and because they wouldn't let me develop a one-of-a-kind pincushion for that particular publication. It didn't feel right.

    Love the terrariums ^_^ I should post pictures of the organized chaos that is my dining room table with the wedding invitations LOL

  4. Thanks Kathi!

    Thanks Linda! Off for the summer...that sounds dreamy.

    Thanks Rebekah! I haven't gotten a book, but I am participating in one. I think you're right, it's important to choose just the right project. This one was a good fit and the editors were wonderful to work with so I'm happy. I hope the organized chaos is coming along. I remember those days... :D

  5. A little crafty book project? I can't wait! Congrats and happy creating.

  6. Lisa! Kisses from Brazil for you!!!!! Ale : )


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