Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wordless Wednesday


  1. Gorgeous shot. I actually squinted from the light when I first saw it! Lovely :)

  2. Sunrise is the most magical time. Lovely photo.

  3. Hello Hen! I love your blog.
    May I propose you to have some fun and let people know you better?
    (It seems to be a chain letter...)
    I'm asking you to name 6 uninmportant things that you love in a post.
    The rules are:
    Pick 6 uninmportant things you love, mention & link to the person who tagged you, tag 6 of your favourite bloggers to play along (don't forget to comment on their blog to let them know they've been tagged!).
    I hope you will join in and like it!
    Have a nice day!


Thanks so much for taking the time to let me know what's on your mind. Comments are now moderated and may take a moment to show up on the blog.