Saturday, October 03, 2009

On the Mend

I had a small burst of energy today and though my cold symptoms still linger, I am feeling largely on the mend. For the first time in two weeks I worked on a project today. I needed some special buttons for it and wanted wooden buttons so I hiked out in the woods and came back with an armload of branches and roots and hit the bandsaw. I cut a number of button hopefuls and after sanding them down, rubbed them with beeswax. The colors just popped right out! These are so smooth and colorful that they almost look like stone and I'm really pleased.

I'm planning to reopen my Etsy shop on Monday and am hoping to add some new things (just one or two) later in the week.


  1. WOW! Those are beautiful! What a great idea.

  2. these are stunning! I sliced some branch buttons (for a bag) last fall, but didn't go very far with them. Thanks for sharing the beeswax trick... what a difference! You have so many talents, Lisa. I'm really glad to hear that you're feeling a little better. xo m

  3. Those are *awesome* buttons!

    Have you used wooden buttons before? How do they hold up to hand washing? (I'm wondering if the water discolours them at all.)

  4. these are gorgeous. really awesome. sorry about the cold. I don't know how you manage with kids.

  5. gorgeous buttons,Lisa...glad you are feeling a little better ;))

  6. These are absolutely beautiful. The beeswax is perfect!

  7. Just repeating here how happy I am that you're feeling a bit better, and how much I love these buttons.
    Can't wait for tomorrow's update ! :) xoxo Have a good weekend, my friend !

  8. Love love love these buttons Lisa, great work. Love anything capturing the nature and simplicity behind what we do! Posted a link on my facebook for them!

  9. Thanks so much for stopping by, everyone!

    Maya - the beeswax really makes a difference. I couldn't see any of the colors or depth until I waxed it. I hope you ressurect your project, I'll be watching for it.

    noricum - thank you! I do have some wood buttons and they do seem to darken with age a bit. The wax on these will lessen that some, but I would still expect to see change.

    Marchi - mmm... luck? Benadryl? haha.

    Melissa - thanks for the link. :D

  10. I LOVE the beautiful buttons! What a wonderful project for fall.


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