Wednesday, November 25, 2009

(Not So) Wordless Wednesday

Today's wordless Wednesday needs a little explanation.  See, while the photo isn't much to look at, you should see this in the dark. 

This morning as hubby was stoking the woodstove in the dark, he pulled a piece of bark off of this log and beneath the surface was a light show, given off by luminescent fungus, sometimes known as foxfire.  It was glowing like a little runway down the entire length of the log.  So cool!  It makes me want to pull the bark off of all the dead trees in our tree pile one night to see how many other have this under their skins. 


  1. Ah! How cool!!! I've never seen anything like that, it must have been so magical! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. yes, how cool, Lisa ! I wish me & my three guys could see this with our own eyes, that must be quite a thing to witness ! :)
    Thanks my friend oxoxo

  3. Your delight with fungi reminds me that I need to post up more of our honeymoon ironically I found some really good looking mushrooms on our trips to the plantations!


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