Saturday, January 23, 2010

Backyard Visitors

We had visitors again yesterday.  One quietly crept up within 12 feet or so of my kitchen door, curiously sniffing my birdfeeder (from the talented Joe Papendick) while her friend stayed a bit further behind.  She could tell we were there behind the glass and her ears were twitching this way and that, trying to get a good listen.  I snapped a few pics then the two of them bounded off, white tails in the air, legs bouncing impossibly high behind them. 

We need to discourage them from coming this close to the house, but it's hard to pass up these special moments.

On another note, I've enjoyed having some time off from crafting and my shop and am returning feeling somewhat refreshed and energized.  I have many  new ideas in my head and look forward to sharing them with you soon.  My etsy shop will reopen on Friday, Jan. 29th and I hope to have regular updates in the weeks following.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!


  1. How cute! I would lose track of time just standing there watching them.


  2. What a precious picture! And, the birdfeeder is fabulous!

  3. Oh wow...priceless and it! x

  4. How special to have deer come visit! That birdfeeder is fabulous!

    Looking forward to Jan. 29!! I can't wait to see what's new!

  5. Just wondering why you need to discourage them? I live in Australia, so am not very experienced with deer in the backyard?

  6. Thanks so much everyone!

    Judy - we try to discourage them from being too close because they carry ticks with them, and because given the chance they'll eat everything in our gardens - food or ornamental. Plus, it drives my dog crazy. :)

  7. Thanks for the explanation Lisa - who would have thought something so sweet could cause such an uproar!


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