Saturday, January 09, 2010

A Place Of My Own

After the hustle and bustle of the holidays, life is starting to slow down again.  I'm taking advantage of this time to kind of regroup and reorganize myself.  I've started with my workspace, a place that had until now been only a storage place.  After a lot of work, it's now a place where I can actually sit and sew (hide from the kids - tomato/tomatoe) in peace.  It isn't pretty but it suits me just fine.  Oh yes, the walls aren't fully drywalled, and yes, it's in the basement, but it's mine.  All mine.  And it has a door!  Woo hoo!! 

A table to work at!  Now I won't have to clear my sewing off the kitchen table every night before we eat.

The miscellany cache.  Tools, books, and random stuff like antlers, monkeys, and twine.

Getting into the belly of the vintage buttons, wool roving, leather, and shells.  The shelving to the right holds canvases, framing tools, wood, drawing tools, and wire.

Yeah.  My felted wool.  There are 10 56qt boxes, and three garbage bags full of wool.  Fabric and candle-making supplies are beneath the table to the left.

When cleaning and organizing my new space, it became abundantly clear that um, I have a lot of stuff.  Actually more stuff than will fit in my space.  I need to rectify that so I've made a resolution.  Here goes...deep breath...

I have resolved not to buy any craft supplies for one year. 

EEEEK!!!  No wool, no buttons, no nothin'.  I've been wanting to do this for a while and now seems like the right time.  I'm still allowing myself to gather natural materials and buy parts should some critical tool or piece of machinery break down, but that's it.  I'm alternately terrified and excited.  I may need some support if I spy a great wool coat in the thrift store window.  Is there a wool-addiction support group?  No?  There should be.

Hopefully no one has turned me into that Hoarders show yet.  What I hope is that I will work through some of this stash, simplify a bit, and be stretched creatively by the exercise.

Wish me luck!


  1. I wish you the best of luck not buying more supplies... I did a version of that last year. I was not to buy anything until I used up the stash in my craft closet and sold it all. Walaaa I did it and of course went wild with my earnings. The closet is now full of fresh new supplies. I laughed out loud at you being turned in to the Hoarder show... My husband thinks I am just a few items short of being one myself.

    Happy New year, I love your space, im still clearing off the table when we eat... and I will be for some time yet.

  2. Amazing! You go girl! Oh - how I wish I had space like that to organize in... Looks great. Can't wait to see what you bring to the world in the new year, you creative genius, you :) Cheers!

    Whimsy House

  3. I've had good success with making that kind of resolution, particularily when it comes to fabric. At first it's daunting, but then it's possible to dig in and adamently refuse to buy new. I have been known to stretch the rules by trading though.

    My workroom is in the basement too. I might do pictures today because you've inspired me. Happy new creations!

  4. Lisa,
    you're my hero....
    I can always send wool your way if you need it:)
    I don't have the courage to implement such resolution but I would really need it:)
    I have all you have minus button plus jewelry making supplies...let's start a support group!
    I am wishing you a Happy Beginning...I just returned from a long trip and can't even remember my home phone know when you are overseas it's anther set of numbers so now I can't switch back...
    hugs and kisses

  5. Oh boy, I recognize that wool problem! I think I have about the same amount, yikes!

    Good luck with your resolution!

  6. Thank you so much ladies! I appreciate your support. :D

  7. oh boy oh boy ... sure I can relate with that "kind of abundance" feeling. As I've been reorganizing my creative space (doing this constantly !), I clearly came to the conclusion that I had MUCH. Fabrics, mainly. I haven't bought any for a long time & do my best to resist as much as I can. Hubby & I have planned a day trip to Paris on Feb 17th so I know I'll be buying things that day, but as it happens once a year, and that there's not many interesting things over here, I don't feel, um, *too guilty*. This said, it's been months that I really have been making real efforts for not buying.

    Now I know why I never saw your creative space ... you didn't have any ! SO happy for you that you're getting your own space, no matter where it is located, its size or else, it's yours.

    PS : I am SO proud of you, my friend. I really am.
    PS 2 : have you seen my new doodle site ? You may be interested for your little ones. (link on the blog)

    Take good care, my friend. Writing from my parents' .... where ... we ... got ... SNOW ! YEEPIE !!! (photos when I'll be back tomorrow !)

    xoxoxoxo huuuuuugs

  8. AND you have a window - a big window!!! Who could ask for more than that? Love it.

  9. Congrats on having your own crafting space. It is so nice to be able to leave everything behind and pick it up after you have done the other things.... You'll love it I am sure!
    I was re-organising my crafting room too. It took me 3 days before finally getting my craftingtable sorted out. I have too much supplies too, hihhihi And found about a box full of UFO's....... (unfinished objects)

  10. Lisa, I also resolved not to buy any new craft supplies this year!!!! If it's a supply I always use and RUN OUT OF, fine, but something new, no way! Gosh, that's gonna be hard...but it's already January 9th and I haven't even been tempted! 9 whole

  11. I think your space is great! To be in a quiet area away from others, heaven!

    I'm going to try not to buy any more craft stuff unless absolutely necessary also. I hope I don't have withdrawals or something.


  12. that's great! you have a ton of stuff, i'm sure you'll do well with your resolution. but i know what it's like to have the itch to create something new. maybe you could destash to justify buying more wool. oop, i don't mean to be an enabler.


  13. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Not sure if my comment posted the first time.
    I just was saying good luck to you! I always want more supplies as well. Luckily it does look like you have a lot to work with. :)

  14. Oh my goodness, Lisa. You make me feel better about my comparatively small fabric/yarn stash!! If you ever need to get rid of some wool... :) I'm always happy to have a swap! How exciting to have your own space now. Especially the door! I hope that once I graduate I can really get my workspace figured out (mostly, my storage issues...). I'll bet it feels pretty great to be so organized.

  15. WHAT!! nothing, not one purchase??Even if its a really good deal?? Oh my..thats all i have to say:)..nice stash of buttons by the way:) ...and yes, i enlarged the pic to absorb as much of the goodness as i could..

  16. Oh great to have you share your creative space with us...just love many little projects and inspiration waiting to come alive. Wish I had a room...with a DOOR ...but well..will have to still stick to the kitchen table as you had too...hummmpfffff
    Thanks for sharing x

  17. Thanks for this post! In our recent move, I lost my own craft room. But, there's room for me in the basement. Your post has perked me up to the idea that I can be just as productive down there as I was in my former "fancy" space at the old house. Goodness gracious, no supplies for a year. You'll have to start swapping aggressively!!! hahahaha!

  18. Anonymous9:36 AM

    A place of your own is wonderful!
    But sometimes the best inspiration comes from your kids. Don't worry though, they will find their way into your space. When my daughter was small she wanted to sit under my sewing machine! Curly hair and thread don't go well together.
    Good luck on your resolve to not by any more fabric, buttons or wool. It is hard to resist a new fabric or a jar of buttons with one beauty winking at you from deep inside or a piece of trim tickling the pennies in your pocket. But good luck.

  19. Wow - it just all looks so interesting - I just want to dive in and look at everything! Good luck with your challenge :)

  20. Lisa, I envy your space where you can get away from the kids, the closing door, the fact that there's no more clearing the table for dinner! I pine for a space like that. Lucky girl, you! Me, I have to wait until my boys move away from home... yikes! Seems like an eternity from now. Enjoy your cherished space, and good luck with that resolution. Wow, with that stash, you can certainly make it through the year, can't you???

  21. I know what you're talking about, I made the same resolution this year. Hope I can stick to it. If you need a wool-addiction support group you're always welcome at my blog. I need the support too ; )

    Good luck and have a crafty 2010


  22. I've resolved something very similar but as I don't order a lot of felt at once I'm at a bit of an impass should I run out, eep!

    Make do or do without? lol

    I cheer you on! And doors are VERY underrated, hehe, but now you'll be tempted to just close the door on the mess when it gets unboxed eventually.

  23. I love the size of the bottom bowl of rocks. Is it wooden? A person could soak both feet in a bowl this size. Really nice.

  24. so inspired by your resolution, Lisa! and congrats on the new creative space. I think it's so important - but, of course, not always possible - to carve out a little room of one's own.

  25. You have a space of your own! Heaven on earth. I have boxes and boxes of scrapbook supplies - 12x12 paper & embellishments mostly. Overwhelmed, I've kind of shut the door on that room the last few months. You give me new motivation to get in there and organize it better so I can see & use the stuff I already have.

    That 'Hoarders' show scares me! Yet, it must be a good thing for me to watch occasionally- I tend to fill bags for goodwill and de-clutter with gusto for a few days after watching it.

  26. Wow! I am impressed by your resolution! I hope you keep us posted about how it's going (will it be harder or easier the further into the year you go?)

  27. Oh my I am in the middle of sorting and stashing stuff. All stuff from my Mum's house, she died in 2008. Buttons from over 100 years ago...all my gran's beautiful embroidery silks from pre WW2. It is a daunting task and equally daunting will be choosing where to begin using it all.
    How much will I use and how much my daughter ( who is a chucker) will inherit is a bit of a worry.

  28. Congratulations on having your very own space!!! No craft supplies for a whole year?! I know I wouldn't be able to do it!!! Good Luck!

  29. Wow Lisa!
    You sure made me feel better. I have 5 big totes full of cleaned & cut wool...and keep about 3 hefty bags full of wools waiting to be started. (I wish it stayed as compact as it sounds!)
    But when I get "the look" from my dear husband again...I'll show him your stash. :)

  30. Your "miscellany cache" looks PRIMO!!! I'd love to root around in there for an afternoon and see what I come up with! I hope you are enjoying the "new" space-- it looks terrific!

    (ps... congrats also on the araucana egg!!! Its lovely!)


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