Monday, March 01, 2010

Button Monday

Tiny glass slippers - shank button

I've been diving in the vintage button piles again.  I'm trying to thin the herd a bit so I've been pulling some aside to sell in my destash shop, some in a pile to craft with, and some in a pile to keep.  I'm *trying* to keep the "keep" pile small, but it's so hard when there are so many awesome old buttons out there. 

Glass buttons - art deco, china stencils, and more

What is it about buttons?  It must be our inner magpies that tell us these tiny utilitarian artworks are treasures.  Yet I wonder how many of us cut buttons off of our clothes anymore as our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did.  How many buttons jars of history will our children inherit?  I keep a jar of new buttons that have been cut from our clothing that have headed to the cleaning rag bin.  It is separate from my unforgivably massive pile of vintage buttons and I have to say that buttons today just aren't as special and lovely as the old ones.  Perhaps in the future when our great great grandchildren are using hologram buttons to hold on their space suits they'll look back on our canning jars of buttons and think they're pretty special.  Maybe.

Glass buttons - fruit! and more

So I thought that I would post a few pictures on Mondays of some of the buttons from my bins for all of you button people out there.  (and I know you're out there)  If I know the history, I'll share it.  If you know the history, I'd LOVE it if you would share it.   In the meantime, enjoy!

Clear glass buttons

Abalone - mother of pearl

Perhaps celluloid and the green may be bakelite

This one is beautiful in person - metal 2 piece with inset glass bits

Happy Monday!


  1. Can I just say that your button destash is a constant source of torture for this button fiend? So many gorgeous buttons! And me with jars and jars of buttons already...but those tiny red glass slippers (as well as all the others)...for the love of humanity!

  2. I have 2 of those little pair-of-shoes buttons in black! They are so cute, I can never find anything right enough to use them one!

  3. There's much to savor here--definitely a post to come back to several times. I love the glass buttons on the wood.

  4. I think that you have the best button stash that I've ever seen!
    I rarely save buttons from new clothes. They just don't have 'it', like the old buttons.

  5. you have some seriously nice buttons!!!

  6. mmmm, pretty buttons. I love buttons to. Never seen such beauties as yours...

  7. wow! you're so lucky to find these. Do you have any more of those red slipper buttons? I'm in love with them :)

  8. Oh, that red shoe button has taken my heart. I love red fact my red wellies arrived in the post today, I just want to wear them around the house.

  9. We share a love of buttons ... they are just so perfect. :-)

  10. Fringe - Well if you need some buttons to feed your addiction, just let me know. I'd feel better knowing they were going to a fellow addict.

    Mimi - black ones! Lovely. I wish I could see some of these in use. If I could find an old photo of some little girl wearing shoe buttons on her sweater, I would squeal.

    Pat - thanks! Come back anytime.

    BlackStar - you're so right. Buttons today are mostly blah. I was thinking that same thing when I was cutting up a high end wool coat for felting. The buttons on this $700. coat were so boring and inexpensive that it was really a shame. I was surprised that the designer didn't put more emphasis on them.

    jaki and Amanda - thank you! They're fun to rummage through but they're taking up too much room in my work area.

    Tiffany - I haven't seen any yet but I'll be happy to let you know if I do. :)

    Roseanna - oooh red wellies! Every girl should have a pair of red shoes. Wellies would be right up my alley.

    Morna - of course we do! :D

  11. Oh- is there such a thing as button envy - they are so lovely.

  12. What an amazing collection of buttons. I am in love with those little shoes. jan

  13. i truly think you must open a button museum lisa
    your buttons and your photographs of them are awesome.
    I would pay admission to see them:)

  14. Great button collection. I too have jars of them all over and can appreciate your love for these little gems. They just don't make them like that anymore.


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