Monday, March 08, 2010

Button Monday

Today I'm going to share some little antique buttons that I adore.  Many of these little guys are called picture buttons and date from the late 1800s to the early 1900s.  Some have, or had, fabric seated behind the "picture" onto which I'm sure the fashionable ladies dabbed their favorite perfumes.  I think these are especially cool just because the designs are so intricate for something so small.  These are about 1/2" across.

These are all in my "keep" bin.

This blue one still has some fabric.


This one is amazing.  It's a castle with a maiden sitting on a bridge.  (click the photo to see it a little bigger)


  1. oh wow
    what a laaaaarge collection of wonderful buttons you have ! I love the one with the 3 little flowers on a stem. oxoxo have a good week ahead !

  2. Lisa, they are all so sweet--little landscapes on a button, and they would have smelled sweet, too! Imagine!

  3. buttons?? did you say buttons??

  4. Have you ever researched their monetary value? (I already know you probably wouldn't sell them because they have Lisa-value!)


  5. Hello fellow button-lovers! I'm glad you like these little sweeties.

    Heather - I know some of the values, but not all. I wish I had time to list them all individually and at market value, but I just don't. Some, like these, I'm planning to hold on to but I'm trying to thin the herd by quite a bit. What I am selling, I'm selling well below value.

  6. Gosh they're so detailed! I would keep all of them locked in a safe place :D

  7. Amazing buttons! They sure don't make them like they used to!

  8. I share your love of buttons, I wish I could hold each one of these and study it. Gorgeous! Thanks for showing us :)

  9. those are truly amazing
    I would love to see each of them up close and personal
    Again I say, you should open a button museum
    brick and mortar version would be nice but at least a virtual sort.

  10. You have such an awesome antique button collection! I would love to come over and peruse all of your lovely goods :) Thanks for sharing, Lisa!

  11. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I have been hunting and hunting for some really unique buttons to set in silver - these would be great. I guess I need to continue looking.

  12. Sandi, if there's a specific style you have in mind, let me know. I have gobs and gobs of buttons and I'm sure I could part with some.


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