Sunday, March 28, 2010

Button Monday

I'm a sucker for natural materials, especially those with patina and wear, so it stands to reason that today's buttons are amongst my favorites.  Here are some wood, bone, and tagua nut or "vegetable ivory" buttons. 

wood buttons

a wooden button carved in the shape of an oyster shell

 I love these make-do buttons made of cross-sections of walnut shells.

Vegetable ivory buttons were used as an alternative to ivory, and come from the nut of a type of palm tree.  They have a beautiful feel to them and a lovely patina as they age.

Bone buttons were often cut from cow shin bones.  These were common during the civil-war era. 

Hope you've enjoyed the buttons.  Happy Monday!


  1. What a gorgeous selection!! Vegetable ivory and wood buttons are my favorites.

  2. omg I adore them all !! they're totally MY kind of buttons ! Love all those materials, hues & textures ! thanks so much for sharing, my friend ! oxoxo

  3. Whauw great collection!

  4. Your arrangement at the top there is beautifully poised. I just bought a batch of old bone buttons, by happenstance. They slightly freak me out, but then I'm easily freaked. Looking forward to your next button show-and-tell!

  5. I love Button Monday. It's great to wander through your collection of's almost like owning them (without having to store them);-D

  6. I love the waxiness of the vegetable ivory buttons. They must feel very lush.

  7. i always enjoy your button posts
    these one are especially full of the wonder
    of natural materials

  8. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Wow, I thought that nobody else appreciated vegetable ivory buttons.
    I am a collector too and love wooden buttons. Another overlooked category are fabric,and crocheted buttons.
    Thanks for button monday.


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