Sunday, May 23, 2010


I feel like I've been fluttering lately, and doing it with far less skill than these magnificent moths.  I need a break for a while so I'm going to take the next several days off and hermit a bit. 

Before I go though, I'll tell you about these beauties.  The boys found the three of these hanging on the side of our barn this morning and called me out to see them.  They are breathtaking.  Huge! and breathtaking.  I believe that the two darker ones are Cecropia Moths and the tan one is a Polyphemus Moth.

I'm not sure why there were all hanging around together.  I'm sure the barn light drew them in but then maybe they decided to sit and chat.

Look at their beautiful furry, chubby bodies.

and those antennae!

and those markings!

I'm in love.

I've had a moth project in the works for months now, and seeing these beauties is making me want to bring it out and finish it.

Take care, everyone.  I'll see you in a few days.


  1. Those moths are so gorgeous~ thanks for sharing your photos!!!

  2. Absolutely beautiful pictures!
    Have you seen the caterpillars for those moth?
    We had a Cecropia moth caterpillar once in our yard in Ontario Canada. It was huge!!! 4 inches long and 3/4 inch thick.
    Thanks so much for sharing these gorgeous pictures with us.

  3. Wow!!!! How amazing! I had no idea how big they were! Lovely details. I think the antennae are my favorite.

  4. Wow, their bodies are quite furry! Amazing photos. I hope you have a good rest from work. Enjoy!

  5. Wow! Stunningly beautiful colors! They are simply gorgeous and your pics are wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing!

  6. great pictures!! What beautiful moths..

  7. holy. freakin. moley.

    Funny that snakes don't bother me but insects that are big enough that you can feel their weight creep me out.

    Still . . . a gorgeous creature
    :: lynn

  8. These are simply awesome! breathtaking. I would love to see such creatures alive near where I live. i'm afraid in Europe we don't have such big moths.

  9. Wowwwwww! They are so, so beautiful!! I'm in love too :O

    Thanks a lot for sharing :)

    Hugs from Spain
    meni ^-^

  10. i think i am in love times three
    i want to put up a moth sheet / light next weekend and just sit and wait

  11. okay...great series...and fabulous details...

  12. oh my, wow! gorgeous pictures lisa! such beautiful details on these out of this world little beings. yes it's love ;)

  13. oh wow.. they are huge!!!! love the details in their wings!

  14. STUNNING!!!
    We have 2 moths which have made their cocoons...or should I say Moth caterpillars.
    Can't wait to see their furry feet too.
    Beautiful pics!

  15. What a treat! Just beautiful.

  16. oh, i love moths. i've used them in drawings before but maybe i need to do some more (Again)!


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