Saturday, May 08, 2010

Snow Day In May

We got snow last night.  Just a little bit, but still....snow!  There wasn't much, and it's already melted, but it was a reminder of the constancy of change.  It was also a reminder that Mother Nature can be sassy (though that's not what I was calling her yesterday...) 

I'll be taking a bit of a break this weekend away from the computer and doing a few things around the house, for us, for me.

I've recently started a new Flickr group called "crafting for ourselves" and would love it if you'd check it out and join.  I find that so often we crafty folk are so busy creating for our shop or others that we don't craft for ourselves as often as we should.  The group is for showing off the creative touches you've added to your own life and I'm sure it will help give us a nudge in that direction.  I'll be showing off some of the creations from the group here, from time to time.

I hope you and yours have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Hello my friend :)
    it's been such a cold & rainy day over here, if it can reassure you. I can't remember living such a rainy & cold late April / early May. I hope your snow will melt away & bid you farewell until next winter.
    Happy Mother's Day tomorrow sweet mama !! :D (May 30th in France)

  2. The snow does make for some beautiful pictures from your camera, though. Thank you for including me in your Flickr group. Maybe this will prompt me to craft for myself. I just posted about a potholder swap, but it wasn't for myself. Maybe I need to make myself some. ;-)

  3. Oh LIsa at least it didn't snow last weekend!!!
    We have snow and sleet today and everything has been blown off the porch.
    Warm and cozy inside though.

  4. snow in may, it's just wrong! i guess anything is possible in minnesota! i feel like we've been so spoiled by such a lovely spring so far that it was bound to happen one last time...

    beautiful pictures and lovely blog!

  5. Snow in May - not nice at all! It's been cold here but no snow so I'm thankful for that. Hopefully spring returns soon!


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