Thursday, August 05, 2010

Knee-deep In Nature

Some days I'm so utterly floored by the beauty around me, I really am.  Yesterday was one of those days and I was grateful for it.  Grab your cuppa and join me under the poplar and pine, won't you?  (click on the photos for a closer look)

Early in the morning I went out in search of a Wordless Wednesday post and spent a little too much time getting lost in the mushrooms.

There were coral-shaped mushrooms

purple mushrooms

and parts of mushrooms.

While snapping pics I looked up to see a drop of blood on a leaf and wondered who the victim was.  Ah, the mysteries of the woods.

The boys found a walking stick on the barn and we moved him to a nearby leaf.

you can hardly see him

It's a good thing too, because my chickens came running over to see what was going on. 

Later in the day, the boys found this amazing caterpillar.  I think it may be a Polyphemus Moth caterpillar (remember seeing one on the barn?) and judging by its size, I would guess he'll be making his coccoon soon. 

Guess what?  Caterpillar butt!  Sorry...I'm around kids too much.

I checked in on the baby robins in the nest by the barn and look how they've grown in a week.  Remember this?

well just look at them now!  I relate, momma robin, mine are growing this fast too.

I started on some holiday gifts, too, a major feat for this procrastinator.  I'm working on some succulent wreaths this year and a trip into the greenhouse revealed some of my lovely succulents in bloom.

and almost in bloom.

Thanks for coming along with me on this little trek.  I'd love to hear about your surroundings.  What are you loving about where you are?


  1. Wow! Lovely trip. So much nature around you! I live in the middle of big city so there's little of green in here. Fortunately we have nice parks and a forest on the outskirts, so I don't miss trees and green and peace :)

  2. So, so, so gorgeous! Thank you for sharing your adventure!

  3. Oh the mushrooms are amazing. we were also blessed with the opportunity this spring to observe a robin's nest with eggs and then hatchlings and we were all in awe over how quickly they grew.
    warm wishes for a beautiful day.

  4. each one more beautiful than the next
    thanks for looking so closely at your world

  5. absolutely gorgeous - I love how you draw us into your natural world and let us take a close up peek too. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Holy cow, those cute little chicks have turned into real chickens! And you have much cooler mushrooms up in the North Country than we have here in the Great Plains.

  7. what a lovely trip...and just what i needed after another day in corporate hell. i'm off to take a walk, there must be some mushrooms around here in our sandy soil somewhere.

  8. So lovely and lush. I love the mushrooms, and I'm sure there are plenty in my yard, but the mosquito infestation is the worst in memory, and being outside in the woods is a major bloodletting! I love the polyphemus caterpillar. I found one a few years ago and brought him in and fed him until he made his coccoon. It was a long wait, but he was exquisite when he emerged. We set him free in the night, hoping he found a mate.
    Thanks for sharing all the lovely things you see around you with us.

  9. What a special woody day. I loved sharing it with you! I especially loved the caterpillar butt, for I am the mom of 2 boys, and totally relate to that! We live on the coast in Southern California, and spent yesterday afternoon sailing the "beer can races" on a neighbor's 44 ft. sail boat. It was magical. I hope to post photos of that on my blog very soon!
    -x, Val

  10. There were tons of mushrooms at my parents' place last weekend. You have such a variety! I really need to make it out to the woods more often. It's a bit of a drive from here, but not too too far... I love succulents so much, but I can never keep them. I don't think I have any windows that get enough sun... They always stretch and stretch until the fall over. Poor little guys. My favorite local greenhouse specializes in succulents too, so I can always go down there and pretend I'll buy them out!

    P.S. Guess what's coming up!
    You should totally come out this year. I'm sure it's impossible with four kids and short notice... We can dream, right?


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