Tuesday, August 31, 2010

To Do

I have a new project to add to my mile-long never-ending you've-gotta-be-kidding me to-do list.  I stopped by the thrift store yesterday and found this awesome chair.  I've been wanting to make myself an adirondack chair for out in our little screen gazebo, but haven't found the time.  When I saw this baby for only $3.98, I couldn't pass it up.  It will be perfect for the gazebo.  I even like the avocado green color.  All I need to do is sew up a couple of cushions for it, and I'll be ready to go.

And of course by putting this here, I'm holding myself to completing this task.

$3.98!  Isn't that awesome?

My wheels are turning over what kind of cushions to make. 

Can't you just see this fabric by Betz White on there?

or this one by Cicada Studio?

Really, it's like the chair was made for these fabrics.  (le sigh)  Love!  My budget of course runs more towards the "whatever I can find in the stash o' fabric in my workspace" arena, but a girl can dream.

Have you re-fashioned or rehabbed (re-fabbed maybe?) a good thrifty find lately?  I'd love to hear.


  1. No way. I just sent you a note - I have two of these that a friend gave me last week. Srsly, no way.

  2. Yay! What a gorgeous find. I'm sure whatever you choose for fabric will be lovely.

  3. What a find! I would go with the Betz White fabric for sure. There's been no new re-fashion around here lately.

  4. Great thrifty score! You can whip out the cushions in "no time flat"! tee! hee! Can't wait to see the completed project!!

  5. Awesome find! Why are you not redoing our apartment right now, Lisa?

  6. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Great chair!! Can't wait to see the finished project...you will have to finish the project now!! xoxo

  7. I love it! Whatever you end up putting on it will be fabulous. You could dye your own fabric! Just a suggestion. . .

  8. Anonymous11:55 AM

    why not mix them? lovely both...

  9. Both fabrics would look awesome! I certainly understand the budget constraints, though. Back in grad school, I was given an oak couch frame that I needed to make cushions for, and I found fabric for $1/yard in the sale bin... it was a rust colour with light "+" signs woven in. Turning the fabric over, those "+" signs turned into a grid to help me cut my fabric straight! :) It may not have been what I would otherwise choose, but at $1/yard, I bought all 10 yards, so as not to run out while making the covers. (I hadn't yet figured out how much fabric I would need when I stumbled across the find.) I *still* have some of that fabric left! I rather regret leaving that couch behind: the frame was gorgeous, and the cushions were surprisingly comfortable... but I couldn't fit it in my dad's pick-up with everything else I owned. Since I was moving from NC to Winnipeg, there was no way we were making multiple trips. *sigh*

  10. Love, love, LOVE that chair! What a deal! I am really feeling the first fabric. I like bright and bold and that is great pattern.

  11. Your "Le sigh" just tickles me. A little Pepe Le Pew making his way into your subconscience? I know he crops up in mine on occasion. Just as long as its his charming French accent and not is distinctive smell!

    We had a chair very similar to your find, only it was a rocker. I rocked two of my three babies in it and loved it. It was so comfortable. Had to leave it behind during one of our moves, though. By then some of the support straps for the seat had broken.

    Looking forward to the cushions you come up with.

  12. Such an awesome score! This is why thrifting is addictive!

  13. Anonymous6:12 PM

    My latest find was $3.00 as well. What a deal, which I love, being the thrifty gal I am. Here's my find:

  14. ooh i vote for that second fabric with the greeny and white planty stuff. v. noice buy.

  15. Thank you all so much for your awesome comments! See, I knew YOU all would like it. (take that, hubby!)

  16. yep, the chair is awesome (sorry, le hubby LOL) and I count on you for making the most of your fabrics in your stash for making the best cushion(s) ever.
    sending you tons of hugs


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