Monday, September 06, 2010

Button Monday

Tomorrow is the first day of school here and for the first time I will have two guys taking off on the big yellow bus.  Today's button Monday is a quick arrangement for my intrepid kindergartener and 6th grader.  

Have fun and learn lots, kidlets.  Momma will try not to cry too much at the bus stop. 
(Oh mommm )

Happy Monday everyone.  (and Labor Day too!)


  1. you are just so much fun

  2. can auntie Zonia join the fun ?

  3. LOL just think when the baby actually starts kindergarten!

  4. love the buttons play...
    happy labor day,lisa~

  5. whatcha gonna do with all those buttons now ?

  6. I always love your "Button Mondays" - they're always a great little inspirational kick-start to the week! I had the same feeling as my little ones moved on to a new big school this week - I managed to save my little cry for when I got home!

  7. No, don't cry Mum....they'll be back before you know it!!!


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