Monday, September 27, 2010

Mushrooms For Moochie

I was home last weekend for my cousin's wedding and while there learned that my auntie enjoys my mushroom photos.  How exciting was that?!  So here are some Monday mushrooms for Moochie. (there are lots of photos today!  As always, click on them for a better look)

Despite my constantly-nagging to-do list (nag, nag, nag) it felt like a good day for a woods-walk.  The hubs, two younger boys, and I headed out for some wandering.  We went through our trail and when we reached the fork in the oak, jumped off into state land and wandered until scrubby hardwoods gave way to marshy wetlands. 


We hadn't been this far before the boys were real troopers.  Even though the tall grass kept knocking them down (and A kept losing his shoe) there wasn't a single whine or complaint.  Of course they never stopped talking either, excitedly shouting "mushroom!  MUSHROOM!!" when they found something for me to photograph.  (you've learned well, young grasshopper...) 

Here is what we found.

Lots of mushrooms feasting on stumps and dead trees.

This massive stump was completely engulfed in mushrooms and they even ran out into the grass where the tree roots were beneath the dirt.

This stump is kind of flashy, boasting at least three different mushrooms.  Show-off.

This stump was blowing bubbles of pink slime.

This one ended up with grey slime.  Slightly less appealing than the pink, I'd say.

Lots of shelf and bracket fungi were hanging onto trees too.

This tiny red fungus among the moss was amazing. (and really hard to photograph)

A smear of yellow jelly, anyone?

The mushrooms didn't limit themselves to trees of course.  We spotted these on the forest floor...

This might be a Violet Cort, but I'm not sure.  Check out his sinewy stem.

A hairy cup fungus.  This one made me squeal, I was so excited to see it.

there were surprisingly pretty colors too...

and some that my boys said were "nickles" but they didn't actually mean nickles.  ahem

We saw trails of white mushrooms.

anda gorgeous teal blue-staining fungus.

We saw more lobster mushrooms, past their prime. (which makes me weep a little)

An amanita braces itself against the coming cold with its tiny cape.
 Black trumpets are one of those mushrooms that are really difficult to spot, but once you do, you see them everywhere.

We also saw frogs and toads amongst the toadstools.  The boys each had a handful.  We do the pat-down before they come back to the house otherwise they'll sneak them inside.

It seems counterintuitive to take a couple-hour walk when my to-do list is gigantic and enraged but you know, it was just what I needed.  I felt a little recharged and ready to tackle the list upon my return, and made me realize that some of the things on that list weren't really that important in the first place.

I hope you all get a little wandery time in your busy days too.

Happy Monday.


  1. Thanks for sharing all those gorgeous mushrooms! I can't believe all those colors! The girls would have been going crazy. Love the pink bubbly ones. Too cute!

  2. What an incredible feast for the eyes. How amazing to see such a variety all in one walk! It's lovely that your boys were on the look out too.
    I love all your images so much, but that teal fungus is fantastic, especially with the bright green fern next to it.

  3. A true mushroom feast (for the eyes) - thanks for putting on a smile on my weary Monday morning face! And yes, it is amazing how a little fresh air can help us all approach the to-do list with new energy.

  4. It's always good to take a little time out with the family even when the list is long. I found another blogger that loves mushrooms. Check her out, you'll love her photographs.


  5. Do you know what this is called?

    It is the first picture under the bird/sky one.

    I just made a fabric pattern out of some last week, but I don't know what it is called.

  6. Oh, and loving all the mushroom pics too. I've been noticing more of them on our evening walks because of you.

    What exactly is pink slime?

  7. Moochie is not the only one that likes your post with pics of mushrooms...I look forward to looking at the most unusual nature pics! And, my mom's nickname is Poochie...tee hee!! Keep 'em comin', your posts are most inspiring!

  8. Oh Lisa what a wonderfilled post. so glad you took the walk and refreshed....the chores never get's proof that we are still here!! Much more important to spend time with the boys and the man!!!

  9. What a lovely walk. Thanks for taking us along. I feel refreshed. :)

  10. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You ~Ron

  11. wow I have never seen slime mold before. Its pretty ew. I did find soma hairy fluffy stuff in my flower bed this weekend, but unfortunately nothing photo-worthy.

  12. Thanks so much, everyone! I'm so glad you're enjoying the mushrooms and haven't banged your head on your desks from boredom. :)

    Karen - thanks, I'll check that out.

    Colleen - those are sporophytes, a part of the moss plant. There's a more technical explanation on Wiki if you're into that. And that pink slime is called a Wolf's Milk slime. It's related to mushrooms but is actually in the category of a slime. It's pink for only a day or so then it turns grey/brown/black. Cool, isn't it? They're sort of like mini mini puffballs.

    Regina - Poochie and Moochie should be friends. :)

  13. I have to correct myself about the slime mold.... it's actually NOT related to fungi but is a similar organism. (used to be classified as a fungi, but no longer)

  14. Lisa, I love your mushroom photos! I love visiting you here, there's always something beautiful to make me feel reconnected.

  15. Yes, the pink slime is interesting stuff!
    Thanks for the info on the sporophytes. Off to look it up. :)

  16. Your photos are exceptionally good! Also, so many fungusy things grow near you! How lucky you are! Every work day, i get to walkthrough the woods with the kids i look after, it's a wonderful treat!

  17. oh my Lisa, I can't believe how many different mushrooms you can spot in one single place ! have you gathered any for dyeing ? I loved them all, but that teal one looks unreal !!!!
    never thought of making a mushroom zine ? ;D
    thank you so much for sharing

  18. the teal blue one has won me over lisa
    please oh please dye with that one!!!

  19. Absolutly beautifull pictures !

    Thank's for sharing !

  20. I love your mushroom, fungus, outdoor pictures. I want to go take a walk in the woods.


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