Thursday, September 09, 2010

What's the Story Morning Glory?

A quick trip to the woods early yesterday morning led me past my birdfeeder which is now covered in Morning Glories.  I planted them from seed this summer and they've already covered my 6 foot tall feeder. 

I was snapping photos of the dew on the leaves, the vines, and the pretty blue flowers when I looked down to see this guy.

It was chilly, only about 40 degrees, and I wondered at first if he was dead.  I moved the leaf and he clung there so I think he was proably just too cold to move.  His wings and body are highlighted with tiny dew drops and I felt shivery just looking at him.  I felt like I wanted to go make him a scarf, the poor guy.

When the sun came up and the dew was gone, so was he. 

I hope he's enjoying this autumn weather as much as I am.  Meanwhile, I'll see to that tiny scarf.


  1. Morning glories always look their best this time of year. I was just looking at mine this morning and thinking of grabbing the camera.

  2. I planted some, and the squirrels un-planted some.....the rest didn't make it!! That little guy will need his scarf if it's already in the 40's...WOW, that was quick!!

  3. aw poor little one, it's already so chilly in your neck of the woods ! The chillier this morning was 15.5°C/60°F ! Now it's 25.5°C/78°F & very windy.
    I used to grow morning glories when we had a garden once. I so regret my small garden. Not even a balcony now to have something :(
    I loved your morning tale. I very easily picture Mr Dragonfly with a teeny tiny scarf. :) Put a smile on my face !
    xoxoxo many hugs

  4. Lovely pictures. Isn't it wonderful to see what you planted come to fruition :)

  5. That little guy is too cute! He would look great with a teensy weensy scarf.

  6. I love Morning Glory's!
    I have an old type that self seeds in a dark blue purple with pink centre.
    Let me know if you would like to see pictures and some seeds. :0)

    We take them everywhere we move to and when we leave there are always Morning Glory's left behind. I always hope the people that live there after us enjoy them as much as we do.

    Great pictures!

  7. I love this! Such a simple morning filled with simple pleasures and an appreciation for the world around you. Thank you for sharing!

    Ps. I love the thought of making a scarf for that little dude!

  8. How about a morning glory blue scarf ?
    I imagine it would be quick to make :)


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