Thursday, November 04, 2010

Catching Sunshine

Yesterday's late afternoon sun was hitting my dye jars so beautifully that I had to snap a few photos. 

I'll share the results soon.  I can tell that the dyeing is very subtle on these, but I am enjoying the suncatcher effect during the process.

We've had another change in schedule around here with my husband starting a new job this week.  Blogging, shop updating, and well, everything else might be a little sporadic while we try to get used to the changes.  I hope you'll bear with me.

In my working time I've been working on small portable projects, namely some new brooches (that I love) and tiny canoes like I showed you yesterday.  I'm looking forward to sharing more in the coming weeks.

Until then, friends!


  1. I'd love to see a little Christmas Tree covered with birchbark canoes, maybe pine section tom-toms with birchbark drumskins. Birchbark tipi? All Native American things - that would be cool, no? I know you'll get right on it :: lynnie

  2. those shots of the sun in the jars are just fabulous!! I love playing with light and glass..... and Lisa, those little canoes...... deevine!!! I used to have some....don't remember where I found them, but I loved playing with them......we even floated one on the lake!!! have a great day!!!

  3. The canoe is adorable! That would look wonderful on a Christmas tree. Can't wait to see how the yarn turns out. So fun!

  4. The canoe is adorable! Can't wait to see what you're going to do with it.

  5. Beautiful light! I love the way light shines through liquid. Even better when it's the ocean and you're scuba diving and the light is dancing... Sorry, Hawai'i flashback... I hope the new schedule is maybe an improvement to the old. At the very least, I do hope the adjustments are quick and smooth :)

  6. love the sunlight coming through the jars. i'm excited to see your next batch of brooches and more canoes - they are so sweet!

  7. Me too! I love the canoe, too!

  8. i can't get this sweet canoe out of my mind! it ties in so nicely with the seasonal songs we're singing at my preschool...i'll be on the lookout at your etsy.

    new rhythms are always a challenge, hope it all goes smoothly for you...

  9. What beautiful autumnal colours!

    Also, they remind me of specimen jars, in a good way!

  10. i am so in love with your tiny canoes
    i hear all the tiny creatures in the forest have placed them on their christmas list

  11. This is especially wonderful. I bet a little snail called Fern would love to take it for a row.
    The shape is just perfect too.


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