Friday, November 19, 2010

Crafting For Ourselves

I am loving the goods I'm seeing in the Crafting For Ourselves group this week.  With the holiday season swiftly approaching, I'm hoping to see more of you sharing your handmade gifts and decorations.  If you haven't joined us, please do!  Thank you to everyone who has taken part in the group.  It's nice to spoil yourself and your loved ones with your creativity, isn't it? 

I've made a few small things for me and my family lately, but I plan to take the month of December "off" from my Etsy shop in order to focus solely on my handmade gifts and then you'll see more things posted from me..  This weekend's plan however involves making mittens.  Non-hand-specific mittens.  A look at the mitten holder this morning revealed 4 left mittens and one left glove for my boy.  It seems the kiddies like to lose the right mitten only.  The temperature is getting pretty cold here so I want to have plenty of back-ups on hand. (ho ho)

What are your plans for the weekend?  Anything creative? 


  1. such beautiful crafts from very talented ladies :)
    well as for me, I'll be crafting for friends until the end of November, MAYBE for the shop, then December shall be the month for my family, and for our activity advent calendar, which always keeps us busy all month long.

  2. Very pretty creations! Thanks for sharing. I'm going to try to finish a hat that is getting on my nerves and then get going on a few other little gifts that I want to make for Christmas. Crossing my fingers. :)

  3. a great collection of crafty people's work as usual. i am trying to finish a few on-the-go projects for my shop so that i can then focus on some gift crafting, so the weekend might have some of that. then again, our early winter weather (it's snowing today!) makes me want to pick up the knitting needles and finish making a cozy new pair of socks for me!

  4. I would love to fit in some play time with my Christmas coloured chiyogami paper, sewing (fabric bags for "wrapping" presents), finish off my embroidery project, block the mitts and scarf that have been waiting for said attention, bake the cookies that are chilling (in dough form) in the fridge. Probably won't fit it all in but it's nice to have options!

  5. working on my ornaments for the show at bookhou in toronto

  6. Wow, so many new things... thank you for sharing!


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oh Lisa, thanks for featured my birdfeeder and thanks you very much for your sweet words always when I join to the flickr group.

    A big hug from Spain and don't change your person
    meni :*

    (Oh my god, I hope you can understand my terrible english)


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