Friday, November 26, 2010

A Peek

Here's a peek at just a few of the things that I'll be including in my next shop update.  These pieces and more (that I haven't photographed yet) will be in my Etsy shop on Monday Nov. 29th at 4pm CST.  I'll share photos of some of the other goodies later this weekend.

There will be new brooches made of wool and wood.  I love the combination of textural wool and smooth wood but I wanted a wood setting that felt natural and organic.  I like work that is a little "perfectly imperfect" so as I cut and shaped my wood pieces from an oak limb I salvaged, I drilled the holes off-center and left planes and angles in the wood.  They're sanded smooth, but the wood feels like something I might have picked off the forest floor, and I like that.  I finished them simply with beeswax.  There will be some pieces with scenes from nature and a few that are free-form and inspired by lichen and fungi.

There will be a limited number of tiny canoes, strung up with waxed cotton cord for hanging.

There will be just a few wool acorns, some for tying on gifts (or hanging in the tree) and some with rusty caps, all of which will have a special price.

There will be some birch bark birch leaf tags/ornaments as well with woodburned details.  They hang from a soft length of alpaca yarn.

This will be my last shop update for 2010.  I plan to keep the shop open for a few days afterwards then I'm shutting down the shop for all of December to work on gifts for family and friends. (and to recharge a little)    I'll still be here on blog though, so I hope you stop in and see me.

Happy Friday, everyone.  Have a great weekend.


  1. It all looks so beautiful!

  2. LOVE the brooches of wool and wood!

  3. I too, love those wood and wool does look like you found them on the forest floor...already done!! You have such a gift....

  4. OMG woman ... you've certainly kept yourself busy these last weeks !!!! look at that stash !! Amazing ! You'll deserve a whole month of cozy happy holidays with yours, and for yourself.
    Congratulations on the interview at WhipUp, my friend, I'm so proud of you ♥

  5. Wow Lisa! I love everything you've been working on. You've been super busy! Beautiful stuff!

  6. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Beautiful and more beautiful - and I like your philosophy very much too.

  7. oh i'm going to have to write myself a note to remind me on monday - i'm in love with those brooches, especially the ocean scene in the middle.

    glad you are taking a little recharge and home gifting time. i'm really just getting started in my own shop but think i will be doing something similar for december, so you for sure deserve it more than i!

  8. you have been all looks sososo inviting. beautiful work lisa.

  9. i like your nature art, everything is really nice and fresh, maybe since so much of it is from right out side, very colorful too.

  10. That ocean scene reminds me so much of the cliffs in Cornwall, England, where I visited last year (was it only last year!?) with my mother and sister.

    So many lovely goodies, I'll be sure to check in to Etsy tomorrow!

  11. I love what you're doing with these brooches! You have such a great eye for texture and color. I love the french knot flowers and the cliffs at the ocean especially :)

  12. Anonymous10:23 PM

    i so very much love those leaf ornaments and the canoe. amazing. you are phenomenal.


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