Thursday, December 23, 2010

Almost Christmas

This morning found me finishing two wool dolls for my nieces.  I've never made a doll before and the project was more fun than I expected.  Not too unlike mushrooms I guess.  I hope they like them.

This one has gathered the tiniest acorns you've ever seen.

I realized last night that I wouldn't likely finish the last project on my list in time so I headed to town for some last-minute shopping.  I'll tell you, stores at Christmas-time = ughhhhh.  (It's probably not very Christmas spirit-y to imagine myself crane-kicking people out of my way, is it?  Don't tell Santa.)

Tomorrow is my daughter's birthday and then of course we have Christmas.  We'll be snuggled in celebrating and eating.  And eating.  Did I mention eating?  Cookies and a cake will be baked today.  The boys are on winter break so I'll have all 4 little ones to help me.  Always a good time.  (messy, but good)

Posting will be infrequent until after the new year so I'd like to take a moment to wish all of you a wonderful season and a new year filled with creativity and happiness. 

Thank you sincerely for stopping in and sharing your worlds with me.  I appreciate it so much.

Best Wishes,


  1. The dolls are absolutely gorgeous Lisa! Nice job on them. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with your family!


  2. Merry Christmas to you too Lisa and enjoy your family time all snuggled in and eating. I love eating!!! :)

  3. The dolls are lovely and I am sure they will love them! Merry Christmas!

  4. I ended up making my mom a poinsettia brooch from your tutorial. It wasn't what i'd planned but maybe the best gifts are just like that :)

    Stay warm and Happy Holidays from Ohio.

  5. Wishing you a wonderful holiday too! Those dolls are adorable, I'm sure your nieces will love them. Baking and eating sounds like a good plan, I will be doing much of the same starting tonight.

    Thanks for the laugh about Christmas shopping too - that is just how I feel.

  6. these are two superb dolls, your nieces are so so very lucky to have such an awesome & talented auntie !
    Enjoy these holidays with your loved ones, my friend. I will be back tomorrow for my little niece.

  7. Those dolls are amazing, Lisa. Everything you touch turns into a breathtaking creation. Happy birthday to your big girl! Mine has a birthday on the other end of Christmas. It is funny to be baking a birthday cake on top of all the other treats we have in the house, but we wouldn't have it any other way.So fun to know you're in the same mega celebratory boat. We found as she got older (and wanted a party with more than just her family) that waiting until January was a peaceful way to to do it. Just saying. Hope you have a wonderful holiday. I look forward to seeing all the magic you'll make in the new year. Thanks for you constant inspiration.
    All my love,

  8. Oh wow those dolls are gorgeous! I feel like they're in the middle of a story and I need to stay tuned to find out the end!

  9. your dolls are beautiful Lisa...they are sure to be dearly loved.

    thank YOU for another year of wonderful inspiration here. i always enjoy seeing what you're up to.

    blessings to you and your family this holiday andd in 2011

  10. I'm so glad to have discovered your blog. It has been one of my 2010 highlights. Much love and peace to you and yours. Keep it up in 2011!

  11. Thank you so much, everyone. It's been such a joy to get to know you a little, share ideas and inspiration, and just to know there are other like-minded souls out there. Wishing you all a fantastic new year.

  12. The dolls are wonerful especially the one with the long braid. So cute!

  13. happy birthday to your little one and all the best for the most wonderful family celebration.
    Big hugs from your northern neighbour.

  14. Those dolls are great! Have a wonderful holiday and great new year!!!

  15. zakochałam się w twoim blogu, robisz piękne rzeczy!
    zajrzyj też do mnie:)


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