Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Velvet and Lace - a Quick Dress Re-Fashion

I purchased this little blue velvet dress at a garage sale this summer for my daughter to wear for the holidays.  I pulled it out of the closet yesterday and it seemed a little, well, ho-hum so I decided to tweak it a little.  I pulled out that handy bag of lace trim I got at the antique store (I'm telling you, the best $10 I've spent) and my needle and thread and got to work.

I trimmed the long sleeves up and made them into slightly poofy cap sleeves and decided on one of the lace collars in my bag o' trims.  The collar was discolored around the neck area which I tried to remove but my usual tricks (vinegar, fels naptha, borax) failed so I decided to go with it and dunked the entire in the rest of the morning's coffee to dye it.  I sewed the collar on, leaving a space in the back to make it easier for her to put her head through.  I'll add a decorative button there to finish it off.

And here we go!  I think it looks much sweeter now, and it was so easy! 
(much easier than getting E to sit still for a photo)

Another holiday project checked off!  Yay!


  1. OH how adorable! AND, I see hair! Yippeeeeeeee! What a cutie!

  2. Too cute -- the dress and the little girl!

  3. lovely dress alteration on an adorable little girl.

  4. what a fabulous idea ! it turned out lovely !

  5. That is such a lovely makeover for that dress. Looks like something out of a nineteenth century portrait. And what an adorable model!

  6. Just beautiful, both the dress and your daughter.

  7. Little E is just too adorable in her gorgeous dress. :)

  8. it turned out so pretty - actually reminds me a lot of a dress i had as a child. she looks already for christmas!

  9. Those two items were MEANT to be together. Just adorable, and I love your wee one's little round head!!! So cute.

  10. Adorable!! That project turned out well!

  11. Thanks so much, everyone!

    And yup, Heather, a wee bit of hair.

  12. That face! Oh that's a troublemaker in a dress. No doubt about it.

  13. Sweet! The dress & the little Lady :0)

  14. so, so pretty! This is adorable! And, she is absolutely precious in the dress!

  15. omg what a cutie pie !!!!
    you have done a really awesome job here, my friend, very very creative and so elegant too
    I'm so very happy for you that you're tackling so many things off your lists. You are quite an inspiration, my friend.

  16. Anonymous5:38 PM

    just beautiful! I love that dress! and your lovely girl, well done!


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