Tuesday, January 04, 2011


I resolve to eat more garlic-stuffed olives in 2011

Happy 2011 everyone!

I have a strong feeling of optimism for the coming year, a feeling of excitement really.  Right now I feel like I'm going to burst from all of the ideas running around in my head.  I'll be taking some time to organize those ideas (and myself) this year.  Taking December "off" to focus on home and family was really rewarding and I'm looking forward to making that a bigger priority throughout the year.  I'm also excited about focusing my work a little more.  With four young kids and plenty of responsibilities at home, I don't always get as much working time as I'd like.  Instead of spending that precious time working on things that I don't enjoy or that aren't helping me explore what I'd like to explore, I'll be focusing on a few of my pet projects.  Projects that tell who I am and where I am at this point in my creative life. 

I'm so excited!  I hope you're excited about your new year too.  Let's make it a terrific one, shall we?


  1. An excellent resolution! Love your work and blog and share your enthusiasm for everything that is NEW about this year.


  2. I can't wait to see what you come up with as you 'redirect' all of your ideas and creativity. Exciting!!!

  3. mmm, garlic olives. :-) best in a dry martini. ;-)

    i have that same feeling of optimism about 2011 - it must totally be in the air. i'll definitely be working more on my creativity this year too.

    i can't wait to see what you will make!

    happy new year!!!

  4. Garlic olives make this world a better place. Happy New Year!

  5. Yay to all olives! My extended family (OK, mostly me) went through an entire jug of stuffed olives in one week over Christmas.

    I can't wait to see what you do in 2011! One of the many things I love about your work is how true and honest it is.

    Sorry it is -5 where you are! Hope you are bundled up and cozy inside with family.

  6. merveilleuse année 2011! plein de bonnes choses pour toi, bises de France

  7. Here's to a new year filled with possibilites, and in my case: less time online. :)

  8. I like your sense of rearranging priorities and focus. Good thought. Hope to do likewise. Look forward to much more of your lovely blog in 2011!

  9. Those are my husband's favorite! Do you have a good recipe?

    Happy New Year!

  10. hey Happy New Year & welcome home too !!!
    I've missed you when you were away :)
    I am also sharing this happy feeling of excitement & optimism for this year to come. Years are what we make of them (except tough moments that we do not plan), nothing happens miraculously.
    Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeves & what you're going to explore in 2011, my friend.
    xoxoxo to you & the kids

  11. Interesting - I'm at the other end of the creative spectrum - I'm at a bit of a loose end at what to make next! After brainstorming Christmas for so long I'm finding it hard to switch gears.

  12. a toast to you and your amazing creative year ahead dear lisa.
    Perhaps we might even cross paths

  13. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Same feeling, about 2011 ánd garlic olives!

    Have a great, creative year!

    Hugs from Holland!

  14. oh...i love olives,too.

  15. looks like my first comment didn't take..so i'll repeat...may your optimism continue for at least 12 more months,Lisa..
    happy new year~

  16. Thank you so much, everyone. It's a wonderful feeling to start this year with excitement. My excitement at this time of year is normally tempered with dread of our long winter but this year is different. Hooray!

    Colleen - I haven't tried making them myself yet so no recipes to share yet, but oh my had I known they were so good I would have had them years ago.

  17. psst, Pat...I won't tell about the olives. ;) I find that spreading them out in the dish makes it look like you didn't eat so many.


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