Tuesday, September 27, 2011

back soon

Hello everyone!
I've had an amazing weekend and I can't wait to tell you all about it.  Right now though it seems a head cold is busy kicking my butt and I'm feeling a little run-down.  As soon as I have just a bit more energy I'll be right back here to tell you of my adventures.

I hope you're all doing well and avoiding the back-to-school sniffles.
See you soon!


  1. Hope you're feeling better soon Lisa.

  2. No not avoiding it - right in there with you! I did just make elderberry tincture - with your love of foraging I am sure you know how but I followed a great recipe on LuSa organics blog if you are interested!? Hope you feel better soon (and me too!)... :D

  3. Hope you feel better fast, Lisa. Those fungi are just amazing - you certainly know how to find them!

  4. Feel better soon!!

  5. Anonymous5:40 PM

    That's some fabulous fungi there. Hugs for feeling better soon!

  6. get well soon my dear friend
    or we will all be sick with lisa withdrawals

  7. I agree with alll of the above...I hope you feel better soon!

    Now onto that photo!! I can't think of how to describe a browns and blues rainbow...but it sure is fantastic!!! This one I would purchase without a doubt!! Ever think of selling your photos like Margie does?

    hint hint hint 8*)

    sending warm wishes for a quick recovery!! 8*)

  8. do you have any elderberries up there? i swear by it...it's the cure all. feel better friend. xx

  9. Haven't gotten the sniffles .. yet :) Hope you feel better soon! (got a tooth extracted this week so I feel the sluggish-ness right now, too)


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