Thursday, September 22, 2011

conversations with the residents

Yesterday you may have caught a glimpse of something I've been working on.  That spiky little guy is my latest textural stone and what I'm calling one of my "conversations with the residents".

Often when I'm out woods-wandering I'll find little mementos left by the woods-dwellers.  Some of these are not things I want to bring home (ahem) but sometimes I can't help but wonder what I can make with some of these found treasures.

A tuft of deer hair, a turkey feather, a couple of porcupine quills...
I've been holding on to these and waiting for the right project.  I like the mix of textures and the idea of combining found natural materials with cultivated natural materials.

I think I also like them because they're a little strange.

These little guys will be in my shop tomorrow, along with another set or two of textural stones. 

Have a great day, everybody.


  1. I am in LOVE with these new creations!!! Very creative!!

  2. just popped by to say thank you so much for the acorns, they really are beautiful:) love these "strange" stones

  3. Lisa, I have such a strong positive response to this work - your combination of natural found objects with the felted stones knocks me out. They feel very creature-like to me.Good work! -sus

  4. Beautiful work! I'm digging the shamanistic vibe!

  5. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Love love LOVE! I think I said that yesterday but it bears repeating. The combo of textures here, the quirky strangeness, the natural elements used in interesting ways... L O V E. You inspire me so much to take another look at my natural bits and pieces for ways to use them and stop hoarding them!

  6. My kids and I love your textured stones! Especially the porcupine one. My son would like to have hair like that!
    My kids visit(ed) a Waldkindergarden. They are outdoors nearly all the time and bring home lots of things they found. A shame really that most of the things end up in the bin after a while. Your work gives us inspiration of things we could do with them. Thanks!

  7. stone fetishes
    I love them so much lisa
    they speak to me

  8. These strike a deep archetypal chord, Lisa. I will be blogging about you later to today!

  9. These are wonderful! The things I've collected outside have just been sitting on my shelves - I look at them often, but never make anything with them. Now you've got me thinking to go back outside again - there was a porcupine in the yard the other evening, I should take a look and see if he left any quills for me!

  10. the porcupine is so awesome (i'm both sorry and a little bit relieved (for the sake of my pocketbook) that i missed your shop update). in light of the hedgehogs that are currently populating my life, it is magical to see your little porcupine, but the feathers are wonderful too. it's wonderful what you do with the gifts nature provides you...


  11. p.s. they're a little bit in the same (twisted?) vein of kit's oddjects. ;-)

  12. Very artsy Lisa. Love the new direction you've taken.

  13. i had to come back and leave one more comment (that only makes 3 on one post, which is totally not stalker-like, right?)...i tried to get my little nightly visitors to donate a few of their hedgehog quills to me so i could play, but they're stuck on pretty well. however, trying to pull a couple off makes them curl right up in the most adorable little hedgehog ball you've ever at least there's that.


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