Sunday, October 02, 2011

the fire pit

Still giddy from last weekend's pottery class, yesterday I set about building a fire pit in which to fire my soon-to-be clay pots.

I picked a spot that wasn't beneath any tree branches and dug a pit about 5 feet across.  While digging, I hit clay, go figure.

I laid some flat rocks in the center of the pit, to put my pots on, and lined the outside of the pit with larger stones that I gathered from throughout the yard.

I brought my compass out and placed larger stones at north, south, east, and west.  Just because it seemed like the thing to do.   Charlie supervised from due east.

We christened the fire pit with a small fire and a couple of marshmallows, the kids and I.  I thought it would be meaningful to make some kind of offering in the first fire but what can be more meaningful than a bunch of happy, sticky, marshmallow-encrusted kids?  So, a burnt marshmallow was our offering.

All in all, a nice way to spend an autumn afternoon.

I hope you're enjoying your weekend too.


  1. i have been having lovely fires in our backyard every evening this weekend. It has been so amazing.

  2. Sometimes I think Fall is made for fires just like pumpkin pie.

  3. Anonymous1:42 PM

    looks like a very lovely weekend ! Wishing it was a little cooler here.
    Wait ... clay pots ? When ? How ? What ?!
    Can't wait !

  4. Delightful! The only pleasant thing about autumn used to be for me going back to school (yes, I am a nerd). Oh, and chestnuts. :D . You make me adore autumn. Your wonderful blog brings me so much peace and joy!

  5. You are SO cool ♥!

  6. Thanks so much for this post. Are you firing your pots as bisque ware or greenware? I pit fired clay pots with my daughter's second grade class last year as part of their study of the Cherokee. I had a friend bisque fire them first, just to play it safe, although I would love to try firing them as green ware. Please keep posting on your progress!

  7. That is brilliant! Can't wait to see how your own experiments turn out. Burn a marshmallow for me too :)

  8. I can almost smell that frangrant smoke - lovely!

    Spring & Autumn are the 2 times of the year that we almost share the same climate at the same time. Once Summer/Winter hits we are definately Poles apart!

    Off to look at more of your beautiful blog,



  9. Love it, Lisa. Is there nothing you can't do?

  10. when the end comes...I'm coming up know everything...and the most important one!!! your kids are so lucky to have you as a Mum...tell them that... :)


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