Monday, October 10, 2011

wishes for Monday

I'm running a bit behind today but wanted to wish you all a happy Monday.

After enjoying these past sun-filled weeks, we've gotten a bit of rain, just enough to make the plants happy and raise my hopes for mushrooms.

Tomatoes are ripening on my windowsill and I've been drying them in batches.  The kids have been gobbling them up as quickly as I pull them from the dehydrator.

I did some felting this weekend and am excited to show you.

I also have a couple of dyeing experiments that I haven't shared yet, that I'll be sharing soon.

The oak leaves have turned to brown and the change in palette alone makes me feel the approach of winter, even though it's still quite warm. 

I feel like a squirrel, running from task to task, preparing.

Hope you have a good start to the week.


  1. this heat wave has made us all a little crazy here. when we should be taking that "in breath" that autumn weather brings, we've returned to summer activities. it just feels odd with the shorter days.

  2. i loved the weather this weekend so much
    spent almost all of it outdoors, except to baste the turkey and sleep.
    big monday hug

  3. I'm doing things a little backwards. Did today's Wordless Wednesday give us a sneak peek at what you have been working on?


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