Tuesday, December 13, 2011

dog corncob combo

Today has started out as one of "those" kind of days.  I woke up late and groggy from another night of interrupted sleep courtesy of my youngest.  I realized I hadn't run the dryer so the boys didn't have dry pants for school.  It's foggy and grey.  The news is depressing.  You know how it is.

I was sitting here in a half-funk, nursing a cup of coffee (my first of what will likely be many today) and looked out the window to see my dog running in circles around the yard.  "Weirdo", I thought. 

(he isn't blurry in real life, he's just running really fast)
I got up and went outside to see what he was so excited about.  Turns out he had found a cob of field corn that we had put out for the squirrels.  Apparently a cob of field corn is the best kind of toy in the whole world, if you're a dog.  We played fetch with it for a few minutes and wouldn't you know, it made me feel a whole lot better too.

I think I'll have another cup of coffee, give Charlie a good scratch, and get to work.  Since I had a number of emails from people asking for more acorn ornaments, I decided to make another batch.  They will be in the shop shortly and it will be the last batch before the end of the year.

If your day is grey, I hope it turns around for you.  Try the dog and corncob combo if necessary.


  1. Turns out I didn't need the dog and corncob combo! I got another acorn instead!!! 8*)

    Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!

  2. Dogs sure do have a way of making the gray days better :-) love all the magicals things you create with your two hands! It's always inspiring to see what you're up to.

  3. I can always count on play time with the dog to brighten up my day. Behind every cloud is the sunshine just waiting to shine.
    Hope things get sunny in your neck of the woods soon :)

  4. You know I was feeling kinda crappy and meepy today myself (for different reasons) but Corncob Dog understands. Corncob Dog don't give a woof at your bad day blues. He's just here to make you laugh. P.s. if you need a bigger laugh YouTube Honey Badger (when the kiddies are in bed).

  5. The Honey Badger video called the Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger.

  6. Anonymous6:11 PM

    My Kate-dog can drive me nutso and cheer me up better than just about anything. There's nothing like watching her run pell-mell through the yard with a stick, leaf, or whatever else she found at the time. What fun!

  7. you are so productive
    and wonderful

  8. Pippi and I often come across corn cobs dropped by pheasants while we're out on our walks. Today she picked one up and played with it and wanted me to play too. This made me laugh knowing you and your doggie were doing the same thousands of miles away.
    I had a coffee in your honor when we got home :)


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