Saturday, December 17, 2011

fit for a woodland princess

The holiday dress has been completed and I'm really happy with how it turned out.  You might remember that the dress started as this little gem I picked up at the thrift store:

Some tweaking later and this is what we have:

a dress that's perfect for my woodland princess.

I took off the lace, plastic pearls, and roses and added some wood buttons I made, a bit of embroidery, and the top...


I stitched around the painted area and it looks like leather.  I doubt anyone would know it was painted unless I told them.  This was a situation of "use what you have".  I didn't trust my sewing skills to sew on a little bodice so I went with paint thinned with fabric medium.  Hey, it works.

I love it, and so does the girl.

Have a happy Saturday, everyone.


  1. Wow! That is amazing. I never would have known if you hadn't said that you had painted it. It is so darling

  2. this little dress is so amazing. i totally thought it was leather. how clever.

  3. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Woodland Princess ... oh, that's exactly what she is
    you've done a remarkable work on this dress, my friend !
    you're the best mama

  4. woodland princess is she...a job well done and a happy girl...what more do you need! :)

  5. That just shows what thrift, talent and imagination can come up with...magic! Have a wonderful Holidays Lisa with your woodland princess :D

  6. Fabulous job......

  7. WOW! I thought you sewed up a new bodice until I read on, the paint works so well and looks amazing. She really does look like a woodland princess, so fantastic and I love E's smiling face.
    More cleverness from you - brilliant!
    Happy weekend, Jx

  8. Beautiful! You did a very wonderful creative project. She looks so cute.

  9. i love it and her so much
    she is just gorgeous.
    It reminds me so much of some of the
    folkloric clothing i used to sew up for my
    girls when they were young.

  10. wow! that's fabulous :) i would never have guessed that was painted. love the little stitched birdies.

  11. Gorgeous! And the paint, inspired. She looks a very happy Princess in her woodland finery :D

  12. I am so amazed by you!!!

    We are having our first Christmas tree this year and I cannot wait to present my husband with our new ornaments :)

    Thank you for making beauty everywhere.


  13. I'm blown away by your paint use. It's fabulous. Darling little dress.

  14. Wow, gorgeous!! Painted?? Looks like leather. I love the buttons too! Lucky little girl, she is beautiful :)

  15. Brilliant! It totally fooled me. So very clever, resourceful, and sweet.

  16. painting on fabric to make it look like leather? where did you get that idea?? what a fabulous upcycle !
    btw, I loved her holiday dress last year, too :)

  17. It looks just lovely, and the bodice does indeed look like leather, that was an incredibly creative solution. The dress reminds me of the Alpine region ones, I had something just like it as a little girl!

  18. Stephane12:23 PM

    Your inventiveness and ability to turn something ordinary into something spectacular is transcendent.

  19. Wanda Setzer12:53 PM

    That did turn out well! Your little girl is adorable too. Mine are all grown up, and I miss those days.

  20. lovely lovely lovely repurposing

  21. How sweet! You definitely fooled me. I thought that was a real leather bodice you had made. I love it!

  22. I never would have thought of painting it. You did an excellent job of it. Love the embroidery! Also thanks for the lovely little acorn ornament I ordered from you. It arrived in no time and I love it. I've always loved acorns, since I grew up on a road called Oak Orchard. We had huge old oak trees on our property and they always dropped little presents for us to collect. As little girls, my sisters and I made "soup" with them. Keep up the good work and Merry Christmas!
    Sue Addison

  23. That dress is fantastic! I adore it! I would not have known it was not leather, had you not pointed it out. Great job!

  24. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Paint? Paint! Sheer genius. = )

  25. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Absolutely brilliant. How I would have loved a dress like this during my Heidi stage!

  26. Thank you all SO much! I was a little worried that you would all think me crazy for painting the dress. Glad to know I'm surrounded by like minds! (did I just call you all crazy? Maybe!) :D

    Sunny and Sue A - thank you! I'm sure the acorns are very happy to be with each of you!

  27. What a beautiful little girl! the dress looks so perfect on her :-}


  28. WoW!! Just found your blog through craft gossip and LOVE it!

    Love the dress!

  29. I just found your blog on craftgossip too! I love your refashion! I hope you come by my blog Saturday to link up this adorable project!
    Justine @ Sew Country Chick

  30. You are a genius! What a wonderful transformation.

  31. Painting the dress bodice and outlining it with stitches is purely ingenious! I love love love the upgrades!


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