Friday, December 02, 2011

Friday randomness

The past few days have been so busy that I've been feeling a little jumbled.  This morning I woke up, and even though I'm low on sleep, feel focused.  I have a number of projects on my workbench (and kitchen table, and couch) and I hope to have lots to show you in the next few days.

I've been working on some new frost stones (though these in the photo have already found a new home) and will be adding them to my shop next Saturday, Dec. 10th along with some other goodies.

Remember my tree-cutting expedition the other day when I was in search of green-stained wood?  Well, wouldn't you know it that just a few days later my son would bring in firewood and there would be 3 logs with long streaks of green in it.  I can't wait to cut into it.

The project that I'm working on right now involves a thrifted skirt and pillow case.  It also involves my sewing machine, with whom I have a rather tumultuous relationship, so we'll see how this turns out.  Wish me luck.

Also on my agenda for today is waking my dog up every time he dozes off.  This is my way of saying "thanks" for waking me up at 2:00 this morning.  I figure it's the least I can do to repay him.  Conveniently, he likes to sleep right by my feet so I all have to do is stretch my leg out and nudge him.  Oh look, he's dozing...nudge.

We've been having some gorgeous sunrises here lately with bands of color in the sky that are so bright it's almost unnatural.  I'm feeling really inspired by them and feel a piece coming on in those colors.

Much to do, so with a raise of my glass coffee mug, I wish you all a great weekend.


  1. Beautiful, beautiful frost stones!!
    Funny, we've been having some very gorgeous sunrises here lately too - and I am inspired too by the colours :) -

  2. have a wonderful weekend yourself dear lisa
    big hug

  3. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Sunrise? What's that? I love the idea of waking up the dog all day (mine gets me up regularly in the middle of the night), but 1) I work away from home and 2) it's more liable to rile her up and make her want to play. If I'm home and she's sleeping, it's a good thing! Gorgeous, inspirational, drool-worthy stones once again. Happy weekend, Lisa. = )

  4. A happy and productive weekend to you too!

  5. What a beautiful frost stones, i love them very much.
    Have a nice weekend.

  6. your frost stones are beautiful lisa
    glad you had a great weekend


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