Monday, March 26, 2012

pulling parsnips

Last year's parsnips, finally ready for harvest.  Parsnips need to be hit with frost, or to over-winter, in order to sweeten.  It's best to dig them before the tops start to sprout but, in our case, mother nature wasn't ready to give them up yet.  We tried to dig them out just a few days ago but the ground was still frozen and they weren't budging.

Yesterday my helper accompanied me to the garden and eagerly dug them from the ground.  I'd barely get the soil turned over and he was digging away like a little badger.

After they were all pulled and cleaned, a batch of parsnip muffins were baked.  Perfect for breakfast, along with a fresh egg and a cup of tea.  

A nice way to start the day.
I hope your week is off to a good start too.


  1. Jacqui8:09 AM

    I never thought of using parsnips in muffins. I do like them occasionally roasted with honey! No parsnips on my allotment at the moment but hopefully I'll be starting some off soon.

  2. Have you ever made a parsnip/apple mash? It brightens any meal

  3. Anonymous1:56 PM


  4. Ooo good to know about the parsnips needing frost to sweeten. We didn't get much frost at all this year (so very odd). Share muffin recipe?? I'm sure my farmers market has some in now.

  5. Yes, my father-in-law (a keen grower of parsnips) used to tell us that about the frost sweetening them. But I've never tried to make parsnip muffins. They do look good!

  6. My entire house smells fabulous right now because I just pulled a batch of these muffins from the oven. Wow! Are they ever yummy! I had planned on roasted parsnips for dinner tomorrow but these muffins sounded too good to pass up on this blustery evening. It's totally worth the extra trip to the store tomorrow for more parsnips. Thanks for the recipe, Lisa!



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