Tuesday, May 29, 2012

sun and rain

Mother nature delivered a mix of weather this weekend.  Torrential rains then gorgeous blue sky, hail then gorgeous blue sky, rain, sky, rain, sky...

Lying in bed, I listened to the rain pound the earth, trying not to obsess about the 80 little tomato plants I had just planted in the garden that were being pummeled.

Or the seeds that have likely washed out.  Who knows where I'll find my plants growing now.

Or about my basement that is sure to flood, even though 3 sump pumps are going, and all the work that entails. (I really thought we'd make it this year without that ordeal)

But there's no sense in raging against nature.  You can't change it, you can only react to it.  Cope, deal, re-plant.

When she decides to play nice and bring out the sun it's amazing to see what that rain brought with it.

Happy ducks in newly-formed ponds, frogs chirping in every corner of the yard, and mushrooms!

It's about perspective, like anything.  My house is still standing, most of my garden is still there.  I still have my things, even if they're a bit soggy.  It could be a lot worse.

I used to have a friend who would say these kinds of problems are just "lumps in my oatmeal", and that's true.

Life is what you make of it and you can choose to make it good.  Even if it's hard, sometimes, to find the blue sky.  Even when it feels like the rain just keeps pounding.

Surely there's blue sky there if you look for it.  It might be hidden in moments, snippets, of happiness.

My blue skies were these moments... happy boys with frogs in their hands, lunch gathered by those same grubby-handed kids, glistening mushrooms, the heady aroma of lilacs in the air, delicate fluttering wings...

Happy Tuesday, everyone.

(I needed a little pep talk this morning, hope you don't mind a little bit of sappiness)


  1. My favorite part after the rain is the scent it leaves and all the birds who are thrilled with finally being able to take a bath. finally have some rain here. Good luck to your tomatoes. If you planted them deep they'll recover :) I feel your pain with the seeds though.

  2. Beautiful post and excellent attitude!

  3. Good perspective...love your boy holding the frog picture!

  4. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Meh~it's all relative Lisa.

    I'd trade your life with mine any day. But then, I wouldn't trade ours with those veterans that we just remembered over the weekend.

    So dust yourself off and replant. At least there's always tomorrow for us.

  5. What fantastic pics. Sounds like an exciting display by Mother N. I love that froggy image so much (the boy's cute too of course:)

  6. Anonymous11:36 AM

    LOVED the "sappiness," although I didn't find it at all sappy. : ) I was desperately in need of a pep talk myself this morning. Thank you.

  7. Beautiful photos. I have a little man who loves frogs too! Here is to frogs and children!

  8. wonderful pictures! Thanks for sharing and can you send the rain my way?

  9. Sharon2:53 PM

    Thank-you! Appreciate the reminders! And the beautiful photos.

  10. see fairyland....tales of wonder and acceptance...working with instead of against...work, yes...but to those of us outside your world...bliss!

  11. all these photos are just gorgeous - a small snippet of the beauty brought by both rain and sun. glad you are able to keep a realistic attitude about the little storms in life.


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