Thursday, June 21, 2012

find the mudpuddles

Yesterday was a tough day.  The rain has been unrelenting and we spent most of the day moving water away from the house and out of the basement.  A series of irritating, somewhat exasperating events had us all on edge and occasionally in tears (me anyway).

When the rain let up the first thing the kids did was head to the puddles.  From the back door I heard my husband say "honey, get the camera".

Kids really have the right idea sometimes, don't they?

When life hands you rain, find the mudpuddles.
And jump in them.


  1. Love it! How nice to be so free.

  2. The joy of kids to lighten the mood!! I'm sorry you're having water problems...that can be exasperating!
    Thank the Lord for that sweet little one who found the mud!

  3. Puddle Jumping is the best form of therapy.

  4. Beautiful eyes!

  5. Wow! Do you know how much people PAY for mud baths??? Could be a new sideline!! Hahaha 8*)

    And your little sweetheart sure does have beautiful eyes!! Are you perfecting the "Mommy death stare" for all those future boyfriends? lol 8*)

  6. Oh my word ... that's one gal who knows how to make lemonade when life gives you lemons! Such a sweetheart :D

  7. Thank you I needed a good smile. My kids loved to play in the mud!

  8. Those eyes would have had me kissing that mud covered face. I am so glad you shared!

  9. Anonymous2:47 AM

    You have made my day! Its raining cats and dogs here at the moment. I wish my 2 year old granddaughter was here to jump in the puddles and pick up armfuls of wet leaves. Such a special photo ~


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