Monday, September 17, 2012

occupational hazards

A friend of mine, who works with paper, recently mentioned that Modge-Podge "highs" were what she considered to be an occupational hazard.  I joke about my own.  When teaching a needle-felting class I make the same lame joke about it being akin to "at-home phlebotomy", given the number of times the needle draws blood.  There are the finger nips from the band saw to deal with too, but you know which one really makes me squirm?


 Acorns play host to grubs and come fall when I'm working with acorns, I'm working with grubs too.


Now, Green Deane says they're edible, a little chewy like fat when raw, and buttery once cooked (don't cook them too hot, they'll explode  o_O )but I'm just going to take his word for it.  My chickens, on the other hand, LOVE them and that works just fine for me.

Have a good Monday all.  I hope the rest of your week is less weird than this post.


  1. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I'm with you on the grub thing, blech. I think it's the squirming that gets to me.

    I've had a lot of "at-home phlebotomy" this week. Watching out for the red stripes down my limbs but thinking the needles are probably clean (enough).


  2. Hey, I wasn't meant to be Anonymous, what's up with you Blogger? It's me, Joanie!!

  3. Well that just cures me of ever picking up an acorn again, thank you.

    And while I'm not practicing any 'at home phlebotomies', I do practice self-cauterizing done at the exact moment I inflict the wound needing cauterization.

  4. Should you ever want to know what those grubs will turn into eventually, here's a picture of the adult weevil:

    Perfectly harmless despite that big proboscis. By the way, the weevil's mouthparts are at the very tip of the proboscis. The female has the longest proboscis as she has to chew all the way into the acorn in order to lay her eggs inside the nut. And that's probably more than anyone else wanted to know. : )

  5. Ick, ick, ick! I'll happily cede my acorn grubs to your chickens, too! Failing that, I'll send'em off to Dean and he can cook'em up. I've yet to get high off of Mod Podge, but I've donated quite a bit of blood (and an improper word or two)to needle-felting. I was teaching my nieces and nephew one day and looked up from my work to check their attention and stabbed the BLOOMIN' HECK out of my finger. I did NOT say any improper words in front of them, but oooooooh, I wanted to! Needless to say, I learned to nevernevernever look away from my needlefelting. Never!

  6. Erm, yup, I wasn't expecting to see these little creatures over here today, but well ... at least if the chicken love them, it's not lost for everyone !

  7. The blood is why I had to give up stained glass! I didn't know I was cut until I saw the blood! I kept grinding my fingernails, too...

    What we give for our Art. 8*)

    (Yes, I ignored the yukky things!)

  8. that's why I let the animals have them...I just pick up the caps!!! but it's good the chicks get a goodie or three.

  9. Anonymous12:06 AM

    I have had them cooked by a naturalist friend and they really are tasty. I can't bring myself to try them uncooked though.
    melissa m

  10. Yee Gods, Lisa!!! I am glad your chickens like these little buggers. You are a brave person or a total acorn fanatic! ;-} -sus

  11. But hey, you forgot the sheep poop!! ;)

  12. i always freeze my acorns, thaw them let them warm up for a few days and then freeze them again. That seems to do the trick because I am not a big fan of grubs and maggots in my home either. xo

  13. um, yeah. your chickens can totally have 'em!

  14. Hi, visiting via Craft Ideas Every day which posted what appear to be miniature needle felted pictures on discs of wood.
    Love your blog. My daughter once ate a huge maggot type bug when she was on holiday in Borneo, am not sure if they really eat them or if it was just a tourist thing:-)
    and I love the birch bark canoe tutorial, that is just fabulous.
    thanks for sharing

  15. Anonymous7:54 AM

    I found black acorns with the strangest caps yesterday - and straightaway thought of you! And here you are, posting about acorns and their little tennants. Same thing happens with our chestnuts unless we refrigerate them right away.
    Ruth from PA


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