Tuesday, October 23, 2012

a 'just because' winner

I'm back from my long weekend trip.  I made a trip "home" to see family and friends and it was wonderful.  Too short, as always, but wonderful.

Thank you to everyone who stopped by the giveaway I held while I was gone.  I was really moved by so many of your entries.  You are truly a caring bunch of people and I was thrilled that you embraced the idea of giving a little something to someone else.

I wish I had a book to send to all of you.  Since I only have one, the winner was chosen by the luck of the draw this morning.  I'm pleased to announce that Doreen from Vermont Harvest Folk Art won the book to be sent to her niece.

Congrats, Doreen!  And thank you, everyone, for joining in.


  1. WONDERFUL ~ Thank you ever so much. My niece is just going to love this and appreciate it ever so much.

    Wishing you a joyful day,

  2. congratulations to lucky winner Doreen - I will keep the book in mind as a Christmas present for my neice.


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