Monday, December 17, 2012

turtle love

A stone turtle, promised to a patient someone, and another that hopped up on my felting pad this weekend.  They were comforting for me to make, as if it were my way of meditating, "strong and steady, strong and steady".  A reminder I'm sure many of us need right now.

This little guy, the color of the seas, has found his forever home but Leaf, the little olive colored nature turtle is in my shop now.

He too has a stone in his belly and a sweet disposition.

Speaking of the shop, I'll be closing up tomorrow and will reopen sometime in early January.  I'll still be popping in here in the meantime to share some projects I've been working on for family and fun.  I'd love to hear what you've got in the works too.

I hope you all have a good start to the week.
Happy Monday.


  1. angelique9:51 AM

    I Love this green turtle! My husband is in the Air Force and would love it more. I just know he would put it on his desk. Is Mr. Turtle for sale?

  2. LOVE the turtles!!

  3. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Those little turtles are *just* the business - especially the blue one!

  4. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Bonjour, j'adore ce que vous faites!!!



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