Monday, January 28, 2013

miscellany on a Monday

My youngest decided to wake me up 6 times last night.  Bad dreams, bathroom breaks, general wakefulness all called for a visit to mom.  She's fresh as a daisy this morning and I feel like something the cat dragged in.  Even coffee isn't cutting it.

I finished up that snowy stone from yesterday and it's on its way overseas.

After getting great colors from the St. John's Wort supplements, I thought I'd try the Black Cohosh that was in my medicine cabinet.  It wasn't as successful, but did give a yellow-tan color.  The smell though, oof.  It isn't a dye I'll try again.  Not indoors anyway.

I'm trying to remember to watermark my photos after seeing several of them without attribution on various sites.  I'd like it if I didn't have to, but it seems some people won't play  nice.

My birthday is later this week and I treated myself to Maya's book.  I managed to wait until yesterday to open it, even though it arrived a while ago (such restraint!) and it's even more wonderful than I had anticipated.  I'm finding that I'm slowly reading my way through it instead of thumbing through it from the back to the front like I normally do.  If you've thought of picking it up, I'd say go for it.  And if you buy it from her Etsy shop you can even get it signed.

The urge to create is so strong for me right now.  I feel like I can barely contain it.  After hemming and hawing for several years about the role my art plays in my life I've decided to give it my all.  I want to do some larger pieces, apply to shows, and see where it takes me.  There, I said it.

 This is a sight I never tire of.  Keeping chickens is a daily lesson in gratitude.  No matter what's going on in my day, pulling an egg out of the laying box always makes me grateful.

Here's wishing you Monday finds you well-rested and ready to start the week.


  1. So glad you are taking the next step with your art. You are amazingly creative.

  2. Looking forward to see where your art leads you and what you create!

  3. YEA, Lisa!!!! 8*)

    I can't wait to watch you bloom!! 8*)

  4. Good for you, Lisa! You seem to already live that commitment to your art, but it must be even more powerful putting it into words. I love your work, and I can't wait to see you soar even higher.

  5. The stone is absolutely gorgeous!
    I am so glad you want to do more with your art!I wish you the best of luck!AriadnefromGreece!

  6. if you want to do a show in toronto, i know just the place, no application necessary. But the only draw back is you would have to stay with me!

  7. Thats a beautiful stone ........the best yet!

  8. I love that stone so much. I too am glad you want to pursue more exhibits, your textural work is begging to be seen live and in person and I hope I can visit it one day (you too of course).

    Last week I was trying to remember when your birthday is, I hope your family have big plans to spoil you. xo

  9. Immense good luck with progressing your art practice Lisa. Mine seems to ebb and flow through my life, it has been very much in the back seat the last few years but I am just beginning to feel that I'm ready for a new arty chapter in my life. Perhaps there's something in the air!

  10. I have a regular job now, and after being unemployed for a while, I am grateful. One of the good things that unemployment brought, among many silver linings, was the time to rediscover how much I loved crafting. I can't give it my all, like you will, but I won't be giving it up any time soon. So i understand the feeling.


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