Friday, January 11, 2013

mold and moss brooch

I managed to finish up the brooch I was working on yesterday.  It's reminiscent of moss and mold, no?

I set it into a base I made out of a fallen poplar branch.  I left some traces of bark on the edge, and made the shape natural and organic-looking, but sanded smooth.  I try to make things that I would like to hold in my hand, and the combination of wool, stitches, and wood make it just that for me.

 I've put this in my shop already and hope to have a few more pieces on a more regular basis.  I'll be sure to blog about them here and mention them on facebook and twitter too.

We did get that freezing rain last night so we are hunkered down today.  The kids have a pile of clay on the counter and are making pizzas and bowls. (mmmm clay pizza... )
I have a cup of coffee and some pie.  (mmmm coffee and pie... )

I hope your weekend is cozy too.


  1. Lisa, that is crazy gorgeous!!! Xo

  2. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Wow, Lisa, that looks like real moss! I am impressed!

  3. Hi Lisa. Great looking brooch. Glad you're all safe and sound and together being creative.

  4. just because i was overly-pleased with it on facebook, i have to say it here too...i'm totally lichen it. :-)


  5. Only you could make mold look so beautiful. Of course molds out in nature are prettier than those I find in strange pots at the back of my fridge ;)
    Hope the fevers pass quickly, we had all of that nastiness over Christmas, it's tiring for mommy. Stay well. xo

  6. Love this one! Happy New Year and looking forward to seeing more of your amazing work!


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