Monday, January 14, 2013

stone finished and duly fortified

I finally figured out where I was going with the stone I was stitching yesterday.  It certainly doesn't match the grey of the day.

I think it might be magic because the sun is out today.

It's in my shop now.

I hope you all have a wonderful start to the day.  I am feeling especially fortified today after an amazing breakfast.  The ducks surprised me with an egg so I had an omelet with goats cheese and smoked salmon, some steak, and toast.  (well, I had part anyway, I shared.  Begrudgingly.)  To think I almost had a bowl of kashi instead.

Bring on the Monday.


  1. Breakfast at Lisa's!
    Now taking reservations.

  2. Anonymous11:08 AM

    hello lisa! i discovered your blog via pinterest last night, felted my first stone this morning, and purchased your "sunshine" turqoise one just now! my daughter and i took a beginning felting course and now she and i and her children! are hooked! 11 year old nicholas won first prize with his amazing leaf banner and will be enetered in local state contest! i can't tell you how inspired i am by you and your blog. i first want to express my thanks for your heartfelt generosity in sharing your knowledge so that others can hone their talents. for me, strangely, i've recently become enthralled with rockas and things to do with them, largely due to pin...i've tried every art/craft under the sun and another lovely door opens. my very first stone is drying and i felt(haha) compelled to write to you.
    with admiration, lucia hsu (pronounced loo-sha-sue.. polish with chinese hubby!)

  3. duh..not anonymous, lucia...and the stone is for my daughter's newly renovated turquoise sunroom and will be her "room-warming" gift! cheers! anonymous lucia

  4. wow! that's some breakfast (way better than lucky charms)! and the stone is wonderful.

  5. Breakfast of champions, because you are a champ! I love how your stone turned out, a lovely combo of colours and textures.

  6. I love the stitching on their! I just want to touch it!
    good breakfast! (funny, I'm trying raw food for a week and this is looking waaaay better!)

  7. I read every post of yours and I am ashamed that I rarely comment and let you know how I admire your creativity and the loveliness that you bring to this place. The stones and brooches are exquisite, truly.
    Your breakfast, oh the yumminess of it all, especially on a cold winter morning. I was virtuous and had oatmeal with organic cranberries. Tee Hee...I would have preferred yours.
    Have a lovely week and thank you again.

  8. I just found you! And I just had to take a minute to say, your stitching is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I have popped you into my reader - can't wait to see what's next!

  9. Wow, that stone is gorgeous, like a sun bursting!

  10. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Hi rocks rock.... an your blog thanx renee


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