Friday, March 22, 2013

more brooches in progress and a shop update to come

Earlier in the week I mentioned that I was making brooches and that I had several started.  I mentioned that I needed to be in a certain "place" to focus and finish them.  Clearly that "place" has been a little hard to find because I now have many brooches started but only a few nearing completion.

Can't get the quiet time you need to finish some?  Start some more!  Like, 23 more!

I'm optimistic that this weekend will bring the respite I need to finish some of these and to get out to the barn and make the wood bases.  So optimistic, in fact, that I plan to have a shop update with the ones I finish on Monday afternoon.

I'll put them in my shop to preview as soon as I finish and photograph them, but then they'll go up for sale on Monday the 25th at 3pm Central Standard Time.

Hope you all have a good weekend.


  1. Hi lisa quiet time is hard to find-but your awesome work is worth the wait! Your brooches are looking amazing!

  2. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I love the quiet honesty of this little reveal. When I'm not in the "mood" to finish something I start more, too!

    Just set my alarm to get my pick of the litter--thanks!

  3. Hi,
    I love all your brooches - they are little works of art - but that tree one is something else! Absolutely wonderful :)

  4. I love that firefly one ^_^ or as we call them Lightning bugs. Good luck on your quiet time!

  5. They're absolutely amazing. Art of piece. Wool painting and the wood are perfect match.


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