Tuesday, May 07, 2013

more spice jars and spring has arrived!

The collection of specimens in spice jars is growing.

6 now, all lined up.

I thought I might have a shop update at the end of this week but I think I'm going to push it back a little.  I want to have a decent amount of work finished so there's enough to "go around" so to speak.  I know some of you have tried but haven't been able to get a piece yet because they sell out pretty quickly, so hopefully if there's more work in there, your chances will be better.  As an artist, selling out quickly is a wonderful problem to have, but I can't help but feel bad when I get emails from people who wanted a piece and couldn't get one.

In other news, spring has finally arrived!  Our snow banks are almost gone and I'm spending as much time outside as I can, even if it means needling while watching the chickens, guineas, and ducks (and one dog) scratch the earth.


Have a wonderful day, all.



  1. Ih, they're so lovely :)

  2. Glad your spring is sprunging,it's wonderful to see the sun and feel the warmth. Lovely little jars, just delightful :)

  3. They are all very pretty! The wooden corks are great complements.

  4. That collection would look oh so lovely on my shelf! Your work is very inspirational. Thanks for that.

  5. Anonymous3:59 PM

    These are fantastic!!! I'm so happy that spring has sprung for you, it has here too and the sun sure is welcome.


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