Sunday, May 26, 2013

tippity toppity toe

I love these kinds of mornings.  We were all up and outdoors early, each of us working on our own projects.  Except, of course, the teenager who is likely to rise at the crack of noon.  With the threat of more rain on the way, I think we all wanted to take advantage of today's sun.

I've been wanting to put a little tic tac toe game (or tippity toppity toe, as my daughter calls it) on this stump for a while now, so that was my project.  (As you might be able to tell, my yard has had plenty of rain lately)

A few quick swipes of paint and the kids were off and playing.

The boys even gave their sister a turn but as you can see, she cheats.

The stump sits right outside of my gazebo where pea plants are slowly reaching up towards the metal and twine.  I'm hoping they grow to cover it soon and give us built-in snacks.  (I shall call it my pea palace)  I think it's going to be a lovely little place to sit and watch the kids play.

I hope you are all enjoying this weekend too.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Your garden is the best. A pea palace, tippity, toppity, toe and a water slide! Wish I could come and play :)


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