Friday, November 22, 2013

a stone giveaway

"If an apple blossom or a ripe apple could tell its own story, it would be, still more than its own, the story of the sunshine that smiled upon it, of the winds that whispered to it, of the birds that sang around it, of the storms that visited it, and of the motherly tree that held it and fed it until its petals were unfolded and its form developed."
Lucy Larcom
I am reminded lately of how my life is impacted by those around me.  I have people in my life who lift me up, who remind me of the good in life, the good in me, even on dark days.  I've been showered in good thoughts and kind words and their sunshine has shaped my story.  I hope my sunshine smiles upon them to impact their stories too.

So, in reflection of this, I'd like to have a little giveaway.  
The winner will be sent this little 'Bloom' stone, all wrapped up and ready to be gifted to someone you love (and that person can be you, if you'd like).  All you have to do to enter is go pay a compliment to someone - it can be a simple "I like your scarf" to a stranger or a heart-felt expression of appreciation to someone you love - and leave me a comment here on my blog letting me know you've done it.  I don't need details (though if you want to share, that's fine), I just want to know that you've helped make someone's day brighter.

This giveaway is now closed.

A winner will be randomly chosen and announced here on Monday morning, November 25th, 2013.  I'll ship worldwide, so everyone is free to enter.  Please be sure I have a way to contact you, should you be the winner.

Thank you, and good luck!


  1. I would like to compliment you if this counts :D

    I am bad at this but i try my best.

    I really appreciate your work and I am glad that I found your blog. What you do is so inspiring, and somehow I feel we are somehow at the same "art trip" (sorry my english is bad sometimes, but I hope you understand what I mean.

    I stalk the most time and sometimes think I should write more often, but never know exactly what to say so i take this opportunity to thank you and send you a big virtual hug

  2. Every day I try to smile, wave or pay someone a compliment because I know how it is to have someone do it for you on a day when you need it. Choosing love and spreading joy is what community in our world is all about. Thank you for your inspiration and your giving heart.

  3. I always miss out on your lovely creations...but for you, Lisa, I am incredibly glad that so many people find joy in your beautiful work!
    I count myself lucky just having a couple of things made by your talented hands <3
    I am throwing my name in for the chance at this beauty... I've left a comment on Instagram that hopefully makes someone smile...


  4. Done! Great idea ;) beautiful stone!

  5. Oh my about perfect timing......just this morning on my daily walk I saw our normally grumpy neighbor outside and decided to take a few minutes to tell her how nice her property looks after just completing some landscaping! (She was less grumpy afterwards)

    Fingers crossed that my name comes up in your selection....I've coveted one of your felted/embellished rocks ever since I've seen them.

  6. Thanks for all you do and for sharing your wonderful work. I was happy to share a compliment (even 3) this morning. I try to do so every day but it is so good to remind us of such.

  7. Wow absolutely stunning!! Love it!!!

    I complimented someone :-). I love complimenting people and its fun to compliment strangers because it always comes off unexpected. I love just spreading kindness :-)
    It makes both yourself and others happy!

    Thank you for the challenge and chance to win your stunning stone!!!

  8. I have had opportunity to be touched by the selfless generosity and encouragement of many in recent weeks. My life has been greatly enriched during a time of difficulty and I have been able to compliment our daughter on setting aside two weeks of her life to come across the country for us.
    I have recently discovered your art and your blog; and as an artist myself here in the Pacific Northwest, I am inspired by the beauty around me from the ocean to the forest....and your work inspires me even further!

  9. What a lovely idea and I need to remind myself of the same.
    Done my good deed. Thank you xx

  10. I have been so encouraged by our beautiful daughter who took two weeks to come across the country to encourage us during a difficult time. She has a heart for family and a heart for the nations. I have valued thus opportunity to tell her how proud we are of her and the generous life she leads!

  11. What a beautiful idea.
    I need to remind myself the same privilege of knowing people who help light my life and I theirs.
    Compliment paid and warmth felt. Thank you xx

  12. Hi there I have two gorgeius sons one who is 3 and cheeky chops full of beans and my first born who is 7 and got ill when he was two and a half. He has chronic kidney disease and hyper tension. We as a family even his little brother try and make his days easy especially if he is tired we do lots of crafts together and made decoration today with cinnamon salt dough. He loves shells, stones, leaves anything about outdoors I would love to gift him this as he would love it to look at. Good luck all thanks for the chance. :)

  13. What a wonderful opportunity, Lisa, and such a lovely way to give back to all who have blessed your life. Affirming others goes a long way in bringing JOY and happiness into your own life. I've certainly found that to be true in mine. I have complimented someone today, and I've been hoping to purchase one of your stones as a Christmas gift, so now maybe I'll win it :)

  14. I complimented my husband. He deserves it. He works so darned hard and (mostly) tries very hard to be a good husband and to help me at home. I'm very lucky I landed him.

    I'll try and carry this through the day, my dear. I was just thinking last night how much sunnier I feel when I'm smiling at other people and sharing positive energy.

  15. Anonymous10:15 AM


    What a cool giveaway! An excellent idea. I sent my daughter a text telling her how wonderful she is.

    Heather M.

  16. I have two to share. One compliment is to you Lisa. Through your blog I have decided to share, in my blog writing, more of myself. I love visiting your blog and that is a lot of the reason why. Not only is your work amazing to me, but I always feel like I want to come over for a visit!

    Another is, I visit an 81 year old woman everyday. She was born without a hip socket and her lifetime roomate passed away, who always put her shoes on her. Her sister took over this choir, but is now in a nursing home. So now I visit with her everyday and she loves talking about crafts. She took up crafting as a young girl while in the hospital when they first tried to build her a socket. Since I've been visiting her she has decided to take up painting on clothing when she gets her sister's paperwork in order. I took her a 12" stack of painting books to inspire her. I really feel that she was close to giving up and was so tired.

    But now, she seems to have new life and loves to impart wisdom to my circumstances. She is such a help to me and we need these older ladies in our lives. They know so much! I would love to give her a rock, as I've been telling her about your work. She doesn't have a computer so she can only invision what I am saying.

    Blessings to you Lisa! Jenny

  17. Anonymous11:12 AM

    I love your work and always look forward to seeing what you are working on. I appreciate your balancing your art and your family, cherishing this wonderful created world we live in! As someone who relishes lichen on trees, moss on rocks and can't help picking up shells and acorns, your work makes me smile.
    Thank you for a chance at a giveaway!
    Happy Thanksgiving every day!

  18. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I love your blog and appreciate your noticing the small but big beauties around us! Thank you for a chance at this give away!
    Happy Thanksgiving next week and every day!

  19. Hi Lisa,
    I complimented my Mom today! I am glad that you reminded me to ; it is easy to just rush from chore to chore and not appreciate people. Thank you for your blog, I love to read it!

    Take care!

    Ellen L.

  20. It might sound funny but I just complimented my hairdresser. I always have so much fun with him but what I appreciate the most is how real and authentic he is, and I told him that. We have great conversations splattered with lots of laughter. I left and am still carrying a smile on my heart.

    I love complimenting strangers...workers in a store, waiters/waitresses, etc. because it's unexpected and so appreciated.

    I especially want to compliment you, Lisa, because your work brings a smile to my face every day! You bring so much joy and happiness to the world...thank you!

    Traci (

  21. What a sweet idea. :) I told the girl who is training me at my new job just how much I appreciate her always being so patient with me and answering all my questions even though she is so busy with her own work.

  22. It was the first thing I did when I arrived to work this morning! Thank you, as well, for your inspirations!

  23. Done! Your work is so inspiring!

  24. We're far away from February, but I gave a Valentine to one of my coworkers yesterday. She is a very kind person, and always finds a moment to say "I like your necklace", or "I like how you did your hair today". She deserved it.

  25. I make an effort every day to compliment someone about something, any little thing. Last night I brought a smile to the lovely face of a very new cashier at the grocery store I shop.

  26. Today I told someone they looked extra pretty today! :)

  27. Thank you, Lisa, for the simple reminder to pay a compliment to someone. And thank you for the giveaway opportunity for one of your amazing stones.

  28. What a lovely idea!
    I think complements are so important - a kind word can make such a difference to a person's day. I told my mum this morning how delicious her broth and dumplings is!
    And I'm telling you now how beautiful your stones are :)

  29. I love the littles fireflies (hehe, if that's what they are) ... A reminder to sparkle and brighten someone's dark day. I think random kind and unselfish compliments are the glue that holds this crazy world together. xox J

  30. Anonymous2:17 PM

    I told a co-worker this morning that he looked very handsome in his casual Friday outfit. He was beaming after that comment and had a bit more pep in his step. I love it when a compliment works its magic.

    Georgie @

  31. What a nice way to do this! I complimented my daughter on her hard work at her karate promotion. She worked her little behind off even when the instructor stepped out of the room and all the other kids started to slack. :-)

  32. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Compliments are so much harder to take, and I am learning to do that better along with giving them!

    I took the opportunity to compliment my son as he dressed very nicely this morning, on his own accord, to represent his school in a wind ensemble competition today.

    Thank you for inviting us to think about this today!

  33. Thankfully, I didn't need your prompt to remember to tell my son what a good job he did on his violin practice today. When you homeschool, it's too easy to focus on what needs to be done, and how it needs to be done better!

  34. I made Thank You cards with the girls from church (I host the 8-11 year olds' activities here at my house) and I ended up making one that says "Thank you for being a friend" that I am hoping to sneak into my friend's purse when she comes over tomorrow. She is an amazing friend and I love her. Does that count as a compliment? I love complimenting people. I love telling strangers that they are beautiful. It makes me feel good to see their reactions.

  35. I love the idea of making someone's day brighter so I always try to do exactly what you suggest every day!!!
    It so easy and rewarding too :)

  36. Complimented a random stranger today...we both walked away feeling better! :) Thanks for the contest!

  37. I try to do this every day - although some days are certainly easier than others!

  38. Thank you for the reminder! I did comment a could of people today and I made sure to compliment my daughter several times. I also wanted to tell you I love your work and thank you for your inspiring blog, I really enjoy it.

  39. Last evening, our server at our local favorite eatery shared that he drives two hours each way, and his three small children often don't get to see him for days. I took all the cash I had with me, pressed it into his hand, telling him it was his tip as I thought he might need gas money. We both started tearing up, hugged, my husband looking on. Told him that there's always hope, always a reason to dream and that he has a job and a treasured family and soon he'll be able to bring the two closer. It was a really good share between hearts........... love your creations more than I can say.........

  40. My boys both passed their swim levels this afternoon and I told them how proud I was but even if they hadn't passed I told them I’d say the same. Great idea and I LOVE your stones!

  41. I gave my compliment before I read this. Funny how life works sometimes.

    My Physical Therapist was disturbed by my crying, I do that when I hurt, and was getting freaked out. So I told her not to mind me, just keep going. After the ultrasound, I complimented her skill in easing the pain and told her I felt wonderful thanks to her. She was smiling and laughing when I left.

    I feel like crap again, but she doesn't. 8*)

  42. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win one of your stones. They are all so very lovely.
    I have complimented my mother for being the driving force in my life, my role model and my best friend. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever known and I hope that my daughter feels the same way about me someday. :)

  43. I compliment people every day at my job. I'm a bank teller and when I am waiting on a customer I always notice what they are wearing, so if I like it, I tell them. I love to see original or hand made jewelry and accessories. So often I will get the whole story of where they got the piece or who made it. Fun part of my "real job".

  44. It's very generous of you to share a stone like that. I paid my compliment to a classmate today. Also got one from someone else that really made my day. I hope what I said had the same affect.

  45. Only yesterday I met with friends of the Etsy Greek Street Team and was complimented by their generosity and warmth by which they made me welcome in their circle of friends.It was fascinating to share stories and experiences.
    I have been complimented by you many a time but I won't mention details here.But I thank you so much!
    So taking advantage of your giveaway I complimented my dear husband this morning for helping me lately so much and for being patient while I am having my creative period.

  46. It is a wonderful life! Thanks for lifting my spirits this week with your kind words.

  47. Compliments are important, even when you don't feel like it. If you compliment someone you are upset with or disagree with, it will help both of you move past it.

  48. Done! I complimented my daughter's teacher. The school gets a bad rap from a lot of parents for a variety of reasons and he said he appreciated hearing the positive. :)

  49. Done! I gave my compliment before I read this, too.

    The stone is so beautiful!

  50. Well I just gave a compliment yesterday to the nurse in my doctor's office of how pretty she was in pink.
    I taught art in the public school system for 25 years and I know how far and deep a compliment will go. Not just about their work but the individual in general.
    One never truly knows what is going on in another individual's life, and a simple compliment may just help to lift their spirit just enough, just enough.

  51. What a thoughtful gesture to promote thoughtful gestures!


  52. Anonymous11:05 AM

    What a sweet giveaway. I'm sure most people spread little joys everyday but this is a nice way to get people to think about gestures of kindness. You're inspiring in all you do. x

  53. Joy for each day I have and thankful for each friendship.

    Just found your amazing work through a friend and have ordered some of your acorns. I am anxious to get them and intend to try my hand with some of your tutorials.

    Would be so honored to receive one of your eggs! (I hope I'm the lucky one)!

  54. Thank you. I've done it. Everyone needs reminders to appreciate others can mean so much.

  55. dear lisa

    thank you for reminding, that appreciation calms down big waves of emotions - I gave a truthfull compliment to somebody I don`t really like so much - and I think, life`s better now.


  56. I did it and had to giggle to myself by the bewildered look I got in return! "). But got the biggest smile from this stranger when she realized I was talking to her. Great idea!! I'm going to do this more's so entertaining.

  57. Done. Worked on neighbor's yard.

    Beautiful work.

  58. I try to make this a part of my daily interaction with friends, family, and strangers. I hope, I believe, that it brings a little warmth and a moment of happiness to both the recipient and myself.

  59. done to my beautiful little daughter :-)

  60. love your idea!!!
    another one to my mom
    Hope to receive your stone here in Italy


  61. I complimented a friend for a breathtakingly beautiful poem.

  62. Hello again,
    I'm not sure if I did that right before, so I'm trying again.
    My compliments were paid to my lovely family with brunch today.
    But, I also wanted to comment on how much I am inspired by your rocks and the designs you've attached to them. They almost remind me of the "Ukrainian" Easter eggs I make and on which I've tried adapting various Mehndi designs with the swirl, circle and paisley designs. Thanks!

  63. I did it! And it felt wonderful.

    Thanks for the inspiration.

