Monday, November 11, 2013

snowy stitching

It's snowing this morning.  It isn't the first time this season but it's cold enough for me to think that maybe mother nature means it this time.  We're almost at our predicted high of 22 degrees so it seems a good day to stay in and stitch on a snow stone.

I've got my white thread, stone, and beads, and a cup of tea beside me so I'm pretty well set.

To the Monday!


  1. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Looking forward to this one!

  2. Thank you for always sharing your lovely work

  3. Love white on white...


  4. Beautifully photographed! I also enjoy your writing. Thank you for sharing and posting.

  5. I have made a couple of white ones too.I will show you on facebook!AriadnefromGreece!

  6. We've had snow here too. I love the white! What a lovely way to spend your time.

  7. can't think of anything more perfect to do on a snowy day

  8. It's looking good already!
    No snow here yet and don't mind if it doesn't snow at all this winter - had 2 snow heavy winters-2011+2012, that's enough for me for a few years!
    I must be getting grumpy in my old age....
    Happy stitching!

    Sandie xxx


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