Monday, March 30, 2015

a quiet morning

Monday morning, my day off. The kids are off to school and the house is quiet and still. Projects hang near the woodstove, drying. Cats and dogs are cuddling. I am click-clacking on the computer, my belly warmed by poached egg, salmon, and asparagus.

It has all the portents of a very fine day.
I'd better get through these taxes and to-do list so I can embrace it.

Happy Monday, all.


  1. A very fine morning indeed ! So glad you can manage to get a bubble of quiet time here & there. Big hugs xoxo

  2. Sounds Wonderful!! 8*)

    I am sitting right by your side, in spirit of course. I am not a stalker in person!! lol
    Sorry sick humor, I know! <3 8*)

  3. Hello,

    I just wanted to let you know how happy it makes me when one of your posts shows up in my feed. Your posts may be funny, compelling, thought-provoking, or cute, but they are all so welcome and inspiring. Have a wonderful day.


  4. sounds like a great day-enjoy!


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