Saturday, March 21, 2015

hopping off

A wee bunny hopped off in the mail today, a surprise for a friend.
Made in stolen moments in a very full week.

What are you making time for?


  1. Es adorable!!!!!!!!

  2. Lucky friend; that is priceless!

  3. OH MY GOSH! What a fun surprise! You make beautiful gifts! Lucky friend.

  4. You are soooo talented!Thank you for sharing your adorable creations. This is what I make time for, I so enjoy seeing little pieces of another persons life through a blog post!

  5. That is the best bunny ever! What are his whiskers made from? So very special! That will be a happy surprise!

  6. He is adorable!! Bunnies are just too cute. I have also been making bunnies of a different sort. I make them from old wool sweaters in lovely Spring colors. I love Easter time with all the spring decorations. We still have snow here in Central New York, so we are anxiously awaiting the signs of Spring. You have a true talent. Your bunny is so realistic.

  7. Thanks so much, everyone!

    Kristy - his whiskers are made from horse hair. It works perfectly!

  8. Thanks Lisa! I was curious. I knew you must have used something unusual! They look perfect!

  9. That is the cutest stinkin' thing I've ever seen!

  10. I love, love, love the bunny with the carrot. Been away for awhile but hope to keep up w/everyone again now.


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