Sunday, August 30, 2015

a stone in a tree

A nearly-dead poplar by our driveway, and a stone that hadn't turned out quite right, met this week.

The woodpeckers have already been at work on this tree and no doubt it will fall in an upcoming wind, as poplars are wont to do.

I'm not so sure the carpenter ants were that thrilled with the art piece I offered them. (you can just barely see them on the left side, checking it out)

But there it is, until the wind or the saw decides otherwise.


  1. Such a grand gesture to decorate for the ants. Beautiful idea.

  2. I've loved your other nature offerings/installations... But this stone struck such a chord with me! I'm going to hang some of my 'not quite right' cocoons outside tonight, as offerings to the birds & bugs. Thank you for sharing!


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