Tuesday, August 04, 2015

stitching has begun

Thank you to those of you that have agreed to help me keep my stone-stitching underway. I've got a few stones in my bowl already.

I was on the road back "home" to Illinois just after posting about the stones last week. My uncle had passed and I needed to be with family. The long drive was an opportunity for quiet reflection and I've returned feeling...quiet. And in need of my stone-stitching "therapy", so thank you sincerely for helping me along.



  1. I'm sorry for your loss, my friend.
    oxox hugs

  2. I just stumbled upon your blog a few weeks ago. I love your work!

  3. Hi Lisa -so sorry for your loss. I hope some time stitching will help to heal your heart. Your stones are beautiful as always!

  4. Hi Lisa,

    I just saw this post and am sorry for your loss. Happy stitching. I will think of you when I see your stones in my house.


  5. I am so sorry for the lpassing of your Uncle! I am so behind in everything! I am glad you can take solace in your stitching!!

    I am sending lots of prayers and wishes for peace and strength for you.

    Love & hugs,
    Melissa 8*)


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