Thursday, January 21, 2016

a plotting plodder

I've been immersed in work projects as of late, and burning the midnight oil on a project of my own, which has left me little time to do much of anything else. Add on top of that connectivity problems and a head cold. I feel like I'm plodding along.

Something I have managed to do is do a little stitching each day. I have plans, you see.
I may be plodding, but I'm also plotting.
I'm a plotting plodder.

If I owe you an email, I apologize. It looks like I'll be back in email today and will sneak a little time tonight to get to them.

Have a great day, everyone.


  1. Hi Lisa-those are some real beauties you have been working on! I hope you feel better soon!

  2. They are so lovely!Those stones all together!Get well!And plot!AriadnefromGreece!

  3. Boost your immune system and grab life! xxx

  4. Lisa, always love to see your felt and stitched stones. Like a healing stone. So pretty !

  5. They are all so beautiful.


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