Tuesday, May 31, 2016

random thoughts after an absence

I don't really mind the Creeping Charlie that surrounds my fish pond. Many shun this interloper but when I approach our patch and hear it humming from the bees that visit, it makes it okay. I'm a fan of diversity, so I don't want my entire yard to be full of it, but I can deal with this much.

We took a camping trip out to the Black Hills of South Dakota last weekend, stopping in some of our favorite spots, old and new. The kids got a kick out of Wall Drug, we all marveled at the changing scenery, and were amazed at the world beneath our feet at Jewel Cave. The highlight of the trip for my wee ones was a stop at a rock shop in Hill City where they got to "pan" for gems and fossils. They shook their screens in the sluice and pulled out some beauties that they traded and bartered for hours and hours. The simple things are the best.

I was talking to my friend Heather today about balance. Specifically when it comes to incorporating art time into our lives. Though I'm surrounded by art in my day job, the opportunities for my own arting time are slim, and the balance feels off. And that's never good. I took advantage of the long drive last weekend to do some needling while my husband drove. I now have a pile of pieces, and some day, perhaps something will come of them. We shall see.

My youngest picked me a bowl of Columbine flowers today to nibble on together because when she saw the "honeysuckle" she said it reminded her of how much she loved me. Normally I encourage the kids to leave the flowers for the bees, but when your baby brings you a bowl of honeysuckle out of love, well, you reckon the bees can have some of that Creeping Charlie for now.

I've been holding on to two finished stones for some time now, anticipating that I would have stitchy time, any day now! and I could get a batch together for a shop update. Well, since that isn't in the plans right now, I've put them both in my shop in hopes that they will find a home that loves them.
This one with the pale purple beads reminds me of lace... that bit of great, great grandma's that is in my dresser drawer, the dried Queen Anne's stalks at the roadside, and the trembling webs of spiders that lace the morning grass.

This stone is also in the shop and it's just joyous. When I look at it, I feel joy. Color, excitement, joy. I hope it evokes the same feeling for someone.

The stones can be found in my shop, and with luck, I can be found in this spot with more frequency soon.

If any of you are still out there, reading...thank you for hanging in there with me. 


  1. Great to hear from you, whenever you happen to appear here, Lisa. I understand and empathise with your problems carving out arting/crafting time. Similar problem here. Trust that it will happen, eventually.

  2. your stones and thoughts are wonderful to see. you are so right about keeping that balance! it can be SO hard to do sometimes.

  3. What a sweet thing your daughter thought - and said!
    I'm always so happy to see a post from you. And of course your stones are beautiful, as always. I'll be looking forward to your next felty creations, whenever they appear :)

  4. Hi Lisa- of course we are still out here! Always so delighted to see a post from you! I hope you find more time for your art because it is so lovely and so inspiring to so many!

  5. wow, I love these new stones you've made! Great work, inspiring!

  6. Beautiful stones. Hope you find time for your own creative pursuits soo.


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