Wednesday, July 06, 2016

more road trip stitchin'

I'm heading off on another road trip in a few days with a box full of stones on my lap. I intend to do some stitching while riding along, and will have grab bag stones available when I return. There is a listing in my shop for a few now.

These small stones have been good for me, they keep my fingers nimble, and the grab bag format means I don't have to photograph and list each individual stone, which saves me time. That said, I have a feeling I'll be heading towards some larger pieces next road trip isn't until this fall and I feel a pull towards the other side of my workshop. Maybe some wood and wool pieces? Mushrooms? Bowls? 

I'm making a real effort to get a little balance into my work life/ artwork life, which is affording me a little progress towards my goal of being a (mostly) self-sustaining artist. For those that have access, and similar desires, I highly recommend Springboard for the Arts' Work of Art Series. Most helpful in many ways. This journey is a long haul, but I'm determined.

Have a great day, all. 

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